United States Conference of Catholic Bishops


Appeal helps religious communities care for aging members Default Thumbnail

Appeal helps religious communities care for aging members

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The annual Retirement Fund for Religious collection will take place Dec. 7-8 in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. The parish-based appeal is coordinated by the National […]

¡Viva Cristo Rey! Default Thumbnail

¡Viva Cristo Rey!

By Sister Theresa Marie Nguyen, OP “Who is this King of glory?”                            – Psalm 24:10 “¡Viva, Cristo […]

When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women Default Thumbnail

When I Call for Help: A Pastoral Response to Domestic Violence Against Women

“In the beginning, I was young . . . he was handsome. He said I was beautiful, smart, worthy of love . . . made me feel that way. And […]

Top reasons to oppose assisted suicide Default Thumbnail

Top reasons to oppose assisted suicide

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The deadly and dangerous practice of assisted suicide is now legal in five states: Oregon, Washington, Vermont, California and Colorado, and the District of Columbia, the nation’s […]

October is Respect Life Month Default Thumbnail

October is Respect Life Month

By the Most Reverend Joseph F. Nauman My dear friends in Christ: Each October during Respect Life Month, the U.S Conference of Catholic Bishops launches a new cycle of the […]

Catechetical Sunday is Sept. 15 Default Thumbnail

Catechetical Sunday is Sept. 15

The phone rings and the caller ID displays the parish number. Do you answer the call? This year, the Church celebrates Catechetical Sunday on Sept. 15, the 24th Sunday in […]

Celebrating mercy during Easter Default Thumbnail

Celebrating mercy during Easter

Guest Commentary by Mary McClusky Easter is a time of great joy, hope and celebration, so why does the Church emphasize our sinfulness and great need for mercy on the […]

We need to talk: Why children need to hear from the Church about abuse prevention Default Thumbnail

We need to talk: Why children need to hear from the Church about abuse prevention

By Elizabeth A. Heidt Kozisek In the years since the first Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People was established by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, there […]

Pope Names Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Siegel as New Bishop of Evansville Default Thumbnail

Pope Names Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Siegel as New Bishop of Evansville

WASHINGTON (USCCB)—Pope Francis has named Bishop Joseph M. Siegel, up until now Auxiliary Bishop of Joliet, as the new bishop of Evansville, Indiana. The announcement was publicized in Washington on […]