September 16, 2014 // Uncategorized
Six profess final vows, ordained deacons in Holy Cross
NOTRE DAME — With joy and thanksgiving, the Congregation of Holy Cross celebrated the final profession of vows of six men at 10 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 13, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart at the University of Notre Dame.
Holy Cross Father Richard V. Warner, superior general of the Congregation of Holy Cross, celebrated the Mass and received the vows of Matthew E. Fase, David J. Halm, Timothy N. Mouton, Stephen C. Pepper, Daniel M. Ponisciak and Christopher M. Rehagen.
The six — the largest class of Holy Cross deacons in more than a decade — took vows of chastity, poverty and obedience according to the Constitutions of the Congregation of Holy Cross. For the past several years, they have been in a period of temporary vows, which they renewed annually. On Sept. 13, they commited their lives and work to the communal life and ministry of Holy Cross.
They were ordained to the Order of the Deacon at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, Sept. 14, in the Moreau Seminary Chapel by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades.
A Grand Rapids, Michigan, native, Matthew Fase is the second youngest of five children of Steve and Patty Fase of Rockford, Michigan. Fase entered the Congregation of Holy Cross in 2006 as an Old Collegian.
During his formation, Fase served in religious education at Christ the King Parish, South Bend (2007-2008); as a tutor in the South Bend juvenile correctional facility (2009); RCIA team member at Christ the King (2009-2010); at Our Lady of the Road Drop-in Center, South Bend (2011-2012); marriage preparation, St. Pius X Catholic Church, Granger, (2012-2013); and as a grief counselor for Notre Dame Campus ministry (2013-2014).
David Halm is the only son of the four children of Deborah Kuns and John Halm of Clyde, Ohio. He entered Holy Cross in August 2000 in the Old College Undergraduate Seminary.
During his formation in Old College, Halm was a fifth-grade religious education teacher at Sacred Heart Church in Lakeville (2000-2001); he participated in the Notre Dame study abroad program in Rome (2001-2002); and he assisted with freshmen retreats for Campus Ministry (2002-2003). As part of the candidate program (2003-2004), Halm ministered to the sick at St. Joseph Parish, South Bend. Halm was a counselor at Stone Soup Center, South Bend (2005-2006).
Halm served in marriage preparation at St. Pius X Catholic Church (2011-2012); in grief ministry for Notre Dame Campus Ministry (2012-2013); and as assistant rector and rector of Fisher Hall at the university (2013-2014).
Being a Holy Cross priest could be in Tim Mouton’s blood. He has two uncles, Father Jeffrey Allison and Father Daniel Panchot, who are both Holy Cross priests.
During his formation, Mouton served in Bible study at Holy Cross Parish, South Bend (2009-2010); as a youth mentor at Rise Up Academy in South Bend (2011-2012); in marriage preparation at St. Joseph Parish, South Bend (2012-2013); and as a student teacher at Saint Joseph High School, South Bend (2013-2014).
Stephen Chase Pepper is the oldest of two sons of Barry K. and Lorrie S. Pepper of Huntsville, Alabama.
Pepper served his postulant year in adult faith formation/Bible study at Christ the King Parish. During the following summer, he served at St. Joseph Parish, South Bend. As a first-year professed seminarian, Chase served at the Catholic Worker drop-in center in South Bend. During his final two years as a professed seminarian, Chase served in the marriage prep ministry at Notre Dame.
Daniel Ponisciak, born in Philadelphia, is the middle of three boys of Dorothy and Michael Ponisciak of Fox Chase Manor, Pennsylvania.
Ponisciak served in the adult Bible study program at Christ the King Parish as a postulant. During his first year of temporary vows, Ponisciak served in homeless ministry at HOPE Ministries, South Bend. During his second year in temporary vows, Ponisciak worked in marriage preparation ministry at Christ the King Parish. In his final year as a seminarian, Ponisciak coordinated preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation at Notre Dame.
Christopher Rehagen is a native of Jefferson City, Missouri, a twin and the oldest of the four sons of Mark and Susan Rehagen.
He will serve as a deacon at Christ the King Parish, South Bend.
During his formation, Rehagen served as a team member for the Notre Dame Confirmation program (2009-2010); at Stone Soup Community in South Bend (2011-2012); RCIA team member at Christ the King Parish (2012-2013); and as assistant director in the Old College Undergraduate Seminary at Notre Dame (2013-2014).
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