April 2, 2023 // Obituaries

Rest in Peace: April 2, 2023

Fort Wayne

Richard Eddy, 75, St. Charles Borromeo

Dick Girard, 70, St. Charles Borromeo

Sharon Girard, 70, St. Charles Borromeo

Joseph Reifel, 96, St. Vincent de Paul


William Becker, 85, St. Pius X, Granger

Thomas Nowak, 77, St. Pius X, Granger


Ronald E. Hochstetler, 70, SS. Peter and Paul


Donald Miller, 83, Queen of Peace

Janice Taylor, 78, Queen of Peace

Mike Watson, 75, Queen of Peace

Ralph Werner, 78, Queen  of Peace

New Haven

Linda C. Baker, 79,
St. John the Baptist

Notre Dame

Sister M. Bonaventure, 89, Church of Loretto

Sister M. John Bosco, 84, Church of Loretto

South Bend

Margaret Krzyzaniak, 94, Christ the King

Eleanor Staszewski, 97, Holy Family

Shirley Mesaros, 86, St. John the Baptist


George Dingledy, 99, St. Bernard

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