June 10, 2020 // Bishop
Priest, Deacon assignments and Priest appointments
Priest assignment
The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, has made the following assignments of priests, effective June 23, 2020:
Reverend Stephen Felicichia, to Parochial Vicar, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Fort Wayne.
Deacon assignments
The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, has made the following assignments of transitional deacons for the summer of 2020:
Deacon Michael Ammer to diaconal ministry at St. Michael Parish, Plymouth.
Deacon Paolo Degasperi to diaconal ministry at Corpus Christi Parish, South Bend.
Deacon Benjamin Landrigan to diaconal ministry at Immaculate Conception Parish, Kendallville, and Blessed Sacrament Parish, Albion.
Deacon Keeton Lockwood to diaconal ministry at St. Joseph Parish, Fort Wayne.
Deacon Augustine Onuoha to diaconal ministry at Sacred Heart Parish, Warsaw.
Deacon Logan Parrish to diaconal ministry at St. Patrick Parish, Ligonier.
Priest appointment
The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, Bishop of Fort Wayne-South Bend, has made the following appointments, effective July 1, 2020:
Reverend Matthew Fase, C.S.C., to Parochial Vicar, St. Joseph Parish, South Bend.
Reverend Ryan Pietrocarlo, C.S.C., to Pastor, St. Adalbert Parish, South Bend, and Pastor, St. Casimir Parish, South Bend.
Deacon Zach Rathke, C.S.C., to diaconal ministry at St. Adalbert Parish, South Bend, and St. Casimir Parish, South Bend.
Reverend Dominic Savoie, F.S.S.P., to Parochial Vicar, Sacred Heart Parish, Fort Wayne
Deacon Gilbrian Stoy, C.S.C., to Priest co-Chaplain of Saint Joseph High School, South Bend.
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