March 9, 2016 // Uncategorized
Parishes participate in 24 Hours for the Lord
By Kay Cozad
Visit the Photo Gallery for more photos from this event.
In accord with the universal Church, the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend participated in one of the main events celebrating the Year of Mercy on March 4 and 5. 24 Hours for the Lord offered the faithful and others of the diocese an around the clock opportunity to participate in Reconciliation, Eucharistic Adoration, Stations of the Cross and much more.
Twelve parishes opened their doors for this unique 24-hour period of worship and reconciliation with the Lord. On March 4, St. Therese, Little Flower in South Bend offered Confession, Adoration and a soup supper that followed Stations of the Cross. On Saturday Morning the eighth-grade students there lead the faithful in recitation of the rosary, which was followed by the Stations of the Cross with art and music.
St. Joseph Parish in South Bend joined the 24 hours offering Adoration for the school students as well as the public. Confessions were heard and Stations of the Cross were offered as well.
Holy Family Parish in South Bend offered the Divine Mercy Chaplet in addition to Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and Confessions. Christ the King Parish in South Bend included Evening Prayer as well. St. Mary of the Assumption held 24 hours of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in addition to Confessions, rosary recitation and more.
St. Thomas the Apostle in Elkhart followed its sacramental schedule while adding praise and worship music at 10 p.m. on Friday. In addition to Mass on Saturday, St. Thomas offered Taize music at 11 a.m.
St. John the Evangelist in Goshen offered Mass in Spanish as well as in English during its 24 Hors for the Lord event and included Adoration with the Nocturnal Adoration Society. St. Francis Xavier in Pierceton included Scriptural rosary and a prayer service for the Year of Mercy in its schedule.
The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne offered several talks during the afternoon and evening hours of March 4 including “Hour of Greatest Mercy Prayers” by Father George Gabet of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter. The cathedral also offered quiet prayer time and Adoration and Confession for Burmese Catholics.
St. John the Baptist Parish in Fort Wayne presented the Living Stations of the Cross by St. John School students, and a Eucharistic Procession from Bishop Luers High School chapel to St. John the Baptist Church attended by 120 faithful. St. John also included Eucharistic Adoration for people with special needs as well.
St. Jude Parish in Fort Wayne included Divine Mercy Chaplet along with Stations of the Cross, Mass and Liturgy of the Hours to conclude. And St. Vincent de Paul in Fort Wayne began its 24-hour event with “Pope Francis Year of Mercy” Stations of the Cross followed by a sung version of the Divine Mercy Chaplet with its school students. Confessions, Adoration, Mass and Scriptural rosary were included in the mix.
24 Hours for the Lord stands as another enriching event in the diocese when the faithful took the opportunity to deep their faith and worship the Lord in community.
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