January 20, 2016 // Uncategorized

NEW FEATURE: In My diocese

Today’s Catholic inaugurates new feature

In the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, we are all unique. From the urban cities to the rural farms, we each have a different Catholic story to tell. And yet — we are all One Diocese — One Catholic Church. “In MY diocese” is a monthly section of Today’s Catholic that will feature parishes and the Catholic community within a particular county. See when your county will be featured and how you can be involved at www.todayscatholicnews.org/advertising.

Other stories In MY diocese include:

Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters motherhouse resides in county

St. Joseph Parish, Roanoke

Our Sunday Visitor is headquartered in Huntington

St. Felix Catholic Center

Father Ron and the ministries of Ss. Peter and Paul

More photos from the county can be found in the photo gallery.


The Albertson family of St. Mary Church, Huntington, prepares the soup and meal to be delivered through the Open Door program on a recent Sunday morning.

St. Mary Parish offers an Open Door to Huntington

Oftentimes, members of St. Mary and Ss. Peter and Paul parishes combine efforts to minister to those of the community. The Open Door program is a perfect example. Originating first at the home of Joan McClure, then moving to Ss. Peter and Paul kitchenette before being housed at the St. Mary cafeteria, the program goes beyond the two parishes and welcomes volunteers from other churches in the community and even Huntington University students.

“It allows quite a few people involved to feed those in need in Huntington County,” said Mary Ehinger, who with Leo Clor, is in charge of the kitchen.

According to Dan Delagrange, pastoral associate at St. Mary, Open Door is for anyone who needs a meal in Huntington County. Families take turns in preparation of the meal, which usually includes a soup in the winter months and sandwiches in the warmer months. Parishioners bring in desserts.

And then starting at 7:30 a.m. on Sunday, meals are delivered to homes.

“Last week we fed 457 people, one of the highest,” Ehinger reported.

Open Door receives calls from those who would like to receive the Sunday meal. They leave a message with the number of meals they would like delivered. Often the meals go to the elderly, the sick or those recovering from illness.

The food is delivered with “The Open Door Saint Note,” that tells about the menu, such as the St. Peter Canisius Minestrone Soup, the Blessed Jacopone da Todi yeast rolls, and the St. Stephen banana bars, as well as a brief description of the saints.

Volunteers form 19 routes to deliver the meals.

Traveling vocation chalice, Adoration mark a legacy  

With the support of Father Stephen Colchin, pastor, St. Mary Parish has a chalice that travels to parishioners’ homes for a week to promote family prayer for vocations to the Priesthood and religious life.

The late Dick Ehler, who helped begin Eucharistic Adoration at the parish 20 years ago, saw a similar program in his travels and was eager to bring the concept to St. Mary.

Families sign up for the chalice. It is sent to the family with a commissioning blessing for the family with suggested daily prayers. The Traveling Chalice program has been successful for over 10 years at the parish.

The faithful of St. Mary have logged in 40,000 hours through the history of Adoration according to Kathy Van Gilder, the St. Mary parishioner who records hours. She makes sure the chapel is opened and closed on Fridays from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and ensures adorers present at all times.


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