January 25, 2012 // Local
Father Tom O’Connor 2012 Light of Christ
Encouraging next generation of servant leaders
FORT WAYNE — St. Mary Catholic Church in Fort Wayne, in cooperation with the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, is now accepting nominations for the 2012 Father Tom O’Connor Light of Christ Award. The award is presented each year to an individual or group whose work reflects the strong values exemplified by Father O’Connor during his many years as a priest.
Father O’Connor, who died March 17, 2004, at the age of 74, served as pastor of St. Mary’s Parish for 34 years, and is considered by many to be an icon of Catholic faith in action.
This year the award committee invites nominations of persons of faith, high school age or older, who volunteer their time in the educational realm. The award carries with it a monetary gift given in the name of the recipient to her or his designated project, school, faith community or nonprofit organization.
Father Tom O’Connor Light of Christ Award nominations are open to persons of all faith traditions. Guidelines for nominations are available on the St. Mary’s website www.stmarysfw.org and from the St. Mary Church Office, (260) 424-8231.
Previous award winners are Cliff Kindy, 2007, for his work in non-violence, Sister Janet Gildea, 2008, for her efforts among diverse cultures, William Critell 2009, for his dedication to education among the disadvantaged, University of Saint Francis student Danielle Collins, 2010, for her leadership and volunteer work to promote justice for the disadvantaged and the Volunteer Ramp Builders, 2011, for their efforts to expand the horizons of persons with physical disabilities.
The deadline for nominations is Feb. 23, and additional information is available on the St. Mary’s website, www.stmarysfw.org.
How to apply
1. Nominations must be made by someone who knows the nominee well.
2. Nominees, of any faith, must come from a strong faith background and be of good character.
3. The nomination must include the following information in the order listed:
• Nominee’s name
• Contact information
• Age and school or occupation
• Faith affiliation
• Where the monetary award is to be directed, should the nominee receive the award
• Name and contact information of the person submitting the nomination
• Names and contact information of three references
• A brief narrative no more than two pages in length explaining why the nominee should be considered for this award.
4. Email submissions (Word document attachment) are preferred and should be sent to [email protected]. Email nominations must be received no later than noon Feb. 23.
5. Letters of nomination may also be mailed to Father Tom O’Connor Award Committee, St. Mary Catholic Church, PO Box 11383, Fort Wayne, IN 46857-1383, and must be received no later than Feb. 23.
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