Wednesday Oct 25
RETURN Presentation
South Bend
Cost: free of charge
RETURN Presentation
Wednesday, October 25, 7-8:30 p.m.
St. Thérese, Little Flower—Parish Center
RETURN Presentations are designed to support you in walking with your children back to faith and the Church. Share the journey with a community of fellow parents who understand, while learning how to be a better guide for your loved ones. The next session will be held on Wednesday, October 25, from 7-8:30 p.m. at St. Thérese, Little Flower in the Parish Center. Sean Allen, MDiv, Founder and President of Ablaze Mission, will present a talk on “The Stages of Returning to the Faith.” Parents are often looking for just the right thing to say to bring their adult child back to the Church. However, most often, returning to the faith and the Church involves multiple steps, each with its own characteristics. This presentation teaches you the stages that your child will transition through along their journey home as well as your role at each stage. Sessions include prayer, table sharing of progress, a presentation, and small group discussion. Participation is free of charge. Registration is requested but not required. To register, please go to www.ablazemission/org and click the button to register for this event.