February 2, 2016 // Uncategorized
Around the Diocese: February 7, 2016
St. John, New Haven, to host parish mission
NEW HAVEN — St. John the Baptist, New Haven, will host a parish mission with speaker Father Andy O’Reilly, a member of the Precious Blood Community.
On the evenings of Feb. 15, 16 and 17, he will speak on the theme of “Mercy.” Each talk begins at 7 p.m.
Mission participants will rediscover how faith enables the faithful to face everyday life with the strength that comes from the unconditional love of God.
Ignited weekend retreat for teens to be offered
FORT WAYNE — High school students from all across the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend are invited to the University of Saint Francis for Ignited, a weekend conference style retreat full of prayer, games and great music from March 18-20.
This year’s theme is “Burning With the Fire of Mercy” with Catholic artist A-LOB and his band from California leading the music. Ignited is an opportunity to come and experience the love and mercy of Jesus Christ.
On Sunday, March 20, the final day of the retreat, participants will join Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades for Palm Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Fort Wayne.
Register now at ignitedretreat.com and check out A-LOB’s music at a-lob.com. For more information email Andrew Ouellette, director of Youth Ministry at [email protected].
Life Defenders Boot Camp to be held
NOTRE DAME — Life Defenders Boot Camp will be held for high school and college students at the University of Notre Dame, Geddes Hall, on Feb. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Presenters from the Life Training Institute as well as Right to Life staff will offer 101, 201 and now 301 level courses for those attending for the first time, those who return for more, and those who want to go deeper with the arguments and activism. Cost is $15, which includes lunch and T-shirt. Register at www.prolifemichiana/bootcamp or call 574-232-5433. The camp is sponsored by St. Joseph County Right to Life, and underwritten by the Kloska Family.
Bishop Luers 21st Annual Henry-Keefer Scholarships awarded
FORT WAYNE — Bishop Luers High School offers a scholarship/placement exam each fall and eighth graders who place in the top 10 of the exam are awarded scholarship money towards Bishop Luers tuition.
Scholarships have been awarded to John Andersen, St. John the Baptist, Fort Wayne; Gavin Ealey, St. Aloysius, Yoder; Matthew Coffee, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Fort Wayne; Mary Braun, St. Joseph-Hessen Cassel, Fort Wayne; Cecilia Simerman, St. Aloysius; Nolan Cook, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Lauren Davis, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton; Jessica Hartmus, Huntington Catholic; Evan York, St. John the Baptist, Fort Wayne; and Mary Cicchiello, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton.
Knights to offer daily Lenten text messages
Several Knights of Columbus councils are sponsoring a daily text message during the Lenten season. Those interested in signing up should text the word “lent” to 30 500. Father David Voors, Msgr. Bernard Galic, Father Tom Shoemaker, Father Andrew Budzinski, Father Ben Muhlenkamp, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Bill Kummer and Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades have provided text messages to support one’s spiritual journey.
Knights of Columbus Councils 13142, 12379, 9460 and 864 are the sponsors. A fee may apply to those who do not have text messaging service.
Dante’s Divine Comedy subject of lectures
NOTRE DAME — The University of Notre Dame will host a lecture series entitled, “Dante, Mercy and the Beauty of the Human Person,” during Lent and Easter. The series is comprised of 10 lectures featuring Dante scholars from a range of disciplines including theology and romance languages. Each of the five scheduled evenings will feature two lectures with the first beginning at 6 p.m. and a second lecture beginning at 7:15 p.m. All lectures will be held in the Eck Auditorium and are open to the public free of charge.
Lectures are as follows:
• Feb. 11 at 6 p.m. — “Encountering Mercy: Dante, Mary, and Us,” with Vittorio Montemaggi, Departments of Romance Languages and Literatures and Theology, University of Notre Dame
7:15 p.m. — “Encountering Mercy: Dante on Forgetting, Remembering, and Learning to Speak,” Holy Cross Father Kevin Grove, University of Notre Dame
• Feb. 24 at 6 p.m. — “The Kingdom of Irony: Augustine, Sin, and Dante’s ‘Inferno,’” John C. Cavadini, Department of Theology and McGrath-Cavadini Director, Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
7:15 p.m. — “Dante: Knowing Oneself, Knowing God,” Christian Moevs, Romance Languages and Literatures, University of Notre Dame
• March 16 at 6 p.m. — “Beginning Midway: Reading Dante in the Midst of Life,” Matthew Treherne, head of the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies, University of Leeds; co-director, Leeds Center for Dante Studies
7:15 p.m. — “Hastening to Heal: Purgatorial Prayer and the Order of Grace,” Leonard DeLorenzo, Department of Theology; Director, Notre Dame Vision, University of Notre Dame
• March 29 at 6 p.m. — “Uniting the Eyes: From Fixation toward Fascination in the Easter Tuesday Cantos,” Holy Cross Father Chase Pepper, Campus Ministry and Department of Theology, King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania
7:15 p.m. — “Geographics of Stars, Metaphysics of Light: Theological Aesthetics and the Form of Human Life in Dante’s ‘Paradiso,’” Jennifer Newsome Martin, Program of Liberal Studies and Theology, University of Notre Dame
• April 7 at 6 p.m. — “Love’s Recollection: ‘Paradiso’ and Healed Memory,” Jessica Keating, Director, Office of Human Dignity and Life Initiatives, Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame
7:15 p.m. — “Heaven as the Sacrifice of Praise: The ‘Paradiso’ and the Overcoming of Rivalry,” Cyril O’Regan, Huisking Professor of Theology, University of Notre Dame
The lecture series is sponsored by the University of Notre Dame’s Institute for Church Life and the Office of Human Dignity and Life Initiatives with support from the Henkels Lecture Fund.
More information can be found at http://bit.ly/dantemercy.
St. Mary Mother of God Parish to offer Ash Wednesday Luncheon
FORT WAYNE — St. Mary Mother of God Parish, at the corner of Lafayette Street and Jefferson Boulevard, will offer an Ash Wednesday Luncheon on Feb. 10, from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., following the 11 a.m. prayer service and distribution of ashes. Free will offerings for the simple soup luncheon will support the work of the soup kitchen, staffed by 80 volunteers. The soup kitchen, founded in 1975, has served more than 7,000,000 bowls of soup. Monetary and food donations are always welcome as well as volunteers. For more information call 260-424-8231.
Bishop Dwenger High School competes in Northridge Science Olympiad Invitational
FORT WAYNE — Twenty-seven students from Bishop Dwenger High School traveled to the Northridge Science Olympiad Invitational on Jan. 16 to compete in events, which focused on science, engineering and technology.
Awards were earned by seniors: Megan Brelage, Jacob Gloudemans, Zach Hensler, Adam Morr, Gabe Nicholson and Claire Roberts, juniors: Abby Brelage, Max DiFilippo, Sam Fair, Kevin LaMaster, Patrick Morr, Kyle Weingartner, and sophomores: Nicole Gloudemans, Ryan McArdle.
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