July 21, 2015 // Uncategorized

Around the Diocese

A new statue of the Blessed Mother is in place at St. Peter Parish in Fort Wayne as an expression of appreciation from parishioners for 17 years of service as pastor by Father Phillip A. Widmann. Though retired from his pastorate at St. Peter since June 23, he remains pastor of St. Mary Mother of God Parish in Fort Wayne and curator of the Cathedral Museum.

Annulment presentation to be offered

FORT WAYNE — A presentation on annulments titled, “An Explanation of What Makes Marriage Null and the Annulment Process” will be held in the parish hall (use Door No. 6) at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, 10700 Aboite Center Rd. in Fort Wayne, on Wednesday, Aug. 27, at 7 p.m. Father Mark Gurtner, pastor of Our Lady of Good Hope Parish in Fort Wayne and judicial vicar of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, will be speaker. No reservations are required. For more information contact Cindy Black at [email protected] or 260-399-1436.

New conference space to be dedicated to Bishop John M. D’Arcy

BRIGHTON, Massachusetts — Saint John’s Seminary will hold a special ceremony to dedicate its new conference space to Bishop John M. D’Arcy on Tuesday, Aug. 18, at 5:30 p.m. in Our Lady of the Presentation Lecture Hall in Brighton. A neighborhood picnic will follow.

Why Catholic workshops to be offered

Small community leaders and Why Catholic parish teams are invited to Why Catholic workshops that will summarize the 12 sessions of “Pray: Christian Prayer” and explore how to nurture a relationship with God in prayer and lead prayer in small groups. Workshops in English will be held on Monday, Aug. 31, from 1-3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at Sacred Heart Parish Center, Notre Dame; Tuesday, Sept. 1, from 7-9 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe Sanctuary in Warsaw; and Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 1-3 p.m. and 7-9 p.m. at the Archbishop Noll Catholic Center, Garden Room in Fort Wayne.

Workshops in Spanish will be held on Monday, Aug. 31, from 7-9 p.m. at St. Adalbert Parish Office Center basement; Tuesday, Sept. 1, from 7-9 p.m. at Our Lady of Guadalupe, downstairs in Warsaw; and Wednesday, Sept. 2, from 7-9 p.m. at the Archbishop Noll Catholic Center, Msgr. Benoit Room in Fort Wayne.

For more information or to register contact Cindy Black, director of Adult Faith Formation, at 260-399-1436 or [email protected].

Weekend Retreat for Families to be held at University of Notre Dame

NOTRE DAME — The 2015 summer Weekend Retreat for Families will be held Friday through Saturday, Aug. 7-9, at the University of Notre Dame. Families are invited to come together for a weekend of prayer, spirituality and fun in this pastoral setting. The Weekend Retreat for Families includes enrichment, celebrations, candlelight processions, recreation and more. Also featured are presentations by inspirational leaders like former Notre Dame Coach Gerry Faust; Dominican Sister Terry Rickard, executive director of RENEW International, which fosters spiritual renewal in the Catholic tradition; and Dr. Greg and Lisa Popcak, authors and hosts of the popular “More2Life” radio program.

Other activities include conferences and presentations to promote family and individual prayer; Masses celebrated in Washington Hall, Basilica of the Sacred Heart and the Grotto; the sacrament of Reconciliation; Stations of the Cross along the shores of St. Joseph’s Lake; candle-light procession from the basilica to the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes with the rosary and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament; time to relax with family and friends and enjoy the peaceful surroundings of the campus; and use of the facilities at the university.

Complete packages with housing and meals are available for families at affordable costs. For details, go to www.FamilyRosary.org/Events, or call Ann Melanson of Holy Cross Family Ministries at 800-299-7729 or email [email protected].

In the spirit of its founder, Servant of God Patrick Peyton, Holy Cross Family Ministries serves Jesus Christ and His Church by promoting and supporting the spiritual wellbeing of the family.

Holy Cross Family Ministries is sponsored by the Congregation of Holy Cross. www.holycrossusa.org.

Philip Smith ordained to the Priesthood for the Dominican Order

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Dominican Father (Philip Carl) Innocent Vincent Smith, the son of Thomas and Marika Smith, was one of eight men ordained to the Priesthood by Archbishop Charles John Brown, for the Dominican Order on May 22 at St. Dominic Church in Washington, D.C. Priestly ordination permanently sets a man apart for public ministry in the Church, specifically entrusting to him the responsibilities of celebrating Masses and hearing confessions.

Archbishop Brown, who serves as the apostolic nuncio to Ireland, ordained Father Smith through the imposition of hands and the Prayer of Ordination alongside Dominican Fathers Thomas More Garrett, John Maria Devaney, Boniface Endorf, Gabriel Torretta, Charles Shonk, Vincent Ferrer John Bagan and Philip Neri Jordan Reese.

Father Smith is a son of Sacred Heart Parish in Notre Dame. He studied music and philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. Upon graduating in 2008, Father Smith entered the Dominican Order at Saint Gertrude Priory in Cincinnati, Ohio, and made his first profession of vows there in 2009. He was then assigned to the Dominican House of Studies in Washington, D.C. to pursue studies for the Priesthood. He made lifelong profession of vows in 2013.

During his years of formation, Father Smith has been engaged in various ministries including D.C. Frassati fellowship, and volunteering at St. Anselm’s Academy in Washington, D.C. and Mount De Sales Academy in Catonsville, Maryland. He was ordained deacon in March 2014 and has served as a deacon at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish in Washington, D.C.

St. Joseph, Holy Cross Nurse Alumnae Association to gather for last time

SOUTH BEND — The St. Joseph Holy Cross Nurse Alumnae Association will celebrate their 50th anniversary with a gala weekend starting Friday, July 31, with a reception at the History Museum at 4 p.m.

This event will kick off a weekend of celebration culminating with Mass on Sunday at the Church of Loretto, Saint Mary’s, Notre Dame.

On Saturday evening, Aug. 1, a banquet at the Noble Dining Hall at Saint Mary’s College will celebrate the 50 years of the Alumnae Association as well as the 68 years that the St. Joseph Hospital and Holy Cross Schools of Nursing were in existence.

In 1907, the Sisters of the Holy Cross opened St. Joseph Hospital Training School for Nurses, the first nursing school in South Bend. The sisters had served as nurses in the Civil War and were well aware of the need for trained nurses.

Holy Cross School of Nursing (the successor of St. Joseph Hospital Training School) closed in 1975. The alumnae association has been in existence since 1965 and will be dissolved at the end of the year. Many of the association and School of Nursing artifacts have been donated to the History Museum in downtown South Bend and to the archives of the Sisters of the Holy Cross.

St. Joseph Regional Medical Center is honoring the alumnae association by presenting a DVD documenting the history of the schools of nursing. This DVD will be viewed for the first time at the History Museum on Friday, July 31. The History Museum is also displaying some of the artifacts donated by the alumnae association.

In the 68 years of the St. Joseph and Holy Cross Schools of Nursing, 2,270 nurses were trained with most of them remaining in this area working in our hospitals and health care institutions.


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