July 21, 2015 // Local
Thank you to our donors
Responding to the call of discipleship
“Jesus’ disciples and Christian stewards recognize God as the origin of life, giver of freedom, and source of all things. We are grateful for the gifts we have received and are eager to use them to show our love for God and for one another. We look to the life and teaching of Jesus for guidance in living as Christian stewards. … Stewards of God’s gifts are not passive beneficiaries. We cooperate with God in our own redemption and in the redemption of others.” — “To Be a Christian Steward, A Summary of the U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship,” 1992.
There is a frequently quoted Scripture verse from Luke that says, “From everyone who has been given much, much will be required.” Practical examples of this can be found everywhere: You get a promotion and larger title at your job, the more work you have to do. You are blessed with additional children, the more people you are responsible for feeding, caring for and teaching the love of God. There is another word for this kind of responsibility — stewardship. Simply, stewardship is the way that you are aware of and take care of what gifts you are given.
This is such an important concept that God even outlines it for us in the book of Genesis. Our awesome responsibility begins when God makes us in His own divine image and likeness. Then, He instructs all humankind to “have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air and all living things that move on the earth.”
So, now it’s up to us to decide to answer God’s call to stewardship. In 1992, the bishops of the United States issued “Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response,” a pastoral letter that address stewardship as a way of life. They made the case that there is an “essential link between being a Catholic and living a life of stewardship as an expression of the call to discipleship.”
The work of the Today’s Catholic newspaper is truly a response to the call of discipleship and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all. It is the goal of Today’s Catholic to bring you the messages of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades; to celebrate with our local parishes at special milestones; to promote the work of numerous ministries; and to keep you informed of important headlines throughout the world that have impact on the Catholic Church.
We are so fortunate that in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend all registered Catholic households receive a complimentary copy of this weekly publication. That is over 45,000 papers for each publication! Unfortunately, the cost of this ministry continues to rise with increases in postage, transportation and general costs of printing. Twice a year, Today’s Catholic encloses an envelope in the paper for a donation to the newspaper and you will find that envelope inside this week’s edition. If you have donated before, I sincerely thank you for your generosity. Even through difficult economic times, you have been supportive of our work through your financial contributions and we are so grateful.
To all of our readers, I ask you to prayerfully consider a gift to Today’s Catholic. Every single gift enables our staff to continue to share the call to discipleship through the production ofToday’s Catholic. We are thrilled to be able to produce the paper both in print and online at todayscatholicnews.org and look forward to the expansion of our reach through multiple sources. You can help us continue our work. Please enclose your gift in the envelope, or go online to donate electronically at the online giving page at www.diocesefwsb.org or click the ad at the right. While you are there, sign up to receive Today’s Catholic news through e-mail. We thank you for your generosity.
Stephanie A. Patka is the Secretariat of Communications for the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and the business manager of Today’s Catholic newspaper.
Last January, an envelope was enclosed with the paper with a request for support of our mission to impact Catholics in the Diocese. Your generosity is humbling. We want to thank each and every one of you who made a financial contribution. Your name along with our thanks is listed below. Your gift helps us to evangelize throughout the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. We are most grateful.
Thank you to these donors
Carol Abbott
Mary Ann & Tim Abeska
Joan Acker
Erika Adamovsky
Joanne Adams
Martha Adams
Faustina Adat
Arlene Aker
Jim Albert
Rita Alexander
Tom Allgeier
William Ambrose
Laverne Amstutz
Dave Anderson
Edward Anderson
Betty Andert
William F. Andert
Jerry and Alice Andrews
Dennis Andrysiak
Jerry Ankenbruck
Mr. and Mrs. Richard V. Annable
Anonymous Donors
Jane Arata
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Arend
Stanley and Hortencia Arnold
Hortensia Artea
Cheryl Ashe
Karen Austin
Harold Backenmeyer
Gene & Joan Bajenski
Mr. & Mrs. Dale M. Baker
John Baker
Michael Baker
Zita Baker
Mrs. Richard Baltes
Barbara Bambenek
Phyllis Banasiak
Geraldine T. Bandera
Arlon & Phyllis Banes
Ms. Therese Banicki
Mrs. Laverne Barczykowski
Shirley Barkas
Molly Barrett
Vince & Becky Barry
Mr.&Mrs. Raymond Barson
David & Elizabeth Basket
Rosemary Battershell
Ms. Carol Bauer
Agnes J. Bauermeister
Sharlene Bauman
Max and Michelle Baumgartner
Joan Bauters
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bauwens
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Bayliss
Karyn Beach
Mark Beakas
Maureen & Michael Beard
Helen Bechtol
Mr. John Becker
Priscilla Becker
David & Anne Beckett
Steve Beckman
Catherine Beckstedt
Margaret J. Beckwith
Tom & June Beeber
Greg & Lydia Beer
Margaret Beidinger
Nancy Belcher
Kurt Belting
Mike & Deb Bendall
Philip Bender
Leon and Jean Bendit
L. Bener
Sally Bennett
Gregg Bennett
Doug and Ann Berg
Mr. Robert F. Berger
Stephen & Linda Berger
Penelope Bergeson
Charles & Kristine Bergman
C Bernard
Edgar D. Berners
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berning
Ellen Bero
Denise Berscheit
Sharon Besinger
Pat & Peg Beuchel
Patricia Beutel
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Beville
Dianne Bezdon
James & Phyllis Bianski
James Bickel
David & Maria Bicknell
Edward J. Bilinski
Ms. Elsie Billisitz
Robert Binder
Robert P. Bir
Theresa Bireley
Anne Black
Mr. & Mrs. George Bliha
Pauline Blocker
Timothy Blomeke
The Bloom Family
Ken & Cheryl Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bly
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Bobay
Terry Bobay
Betty Bobson
Delores Bock
Christine Boetticher
Dr. & Mrs. Raymond Boganski
Chuck & Margie Bohrer
Virginia Boits
Rebecca Bokhart
Daniel & Rose Boll
Annette Bolton
Joseph & Patricia Bond
Mr. & Mrs. John F Bonsib
Jim Bopp
Ron & Donna Borsos
Janet Bosler
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Botich
John & Marilyn Botka
Lawrence Bott
Berniece Bott
M E Bougher
John & Jill Boughton
Bill & Mary Boussum
Barbara Bower
Alice Bowers
Francis J. Bowers
Josephine Bozzo
Kathleen M. Bradley
John & Sheila Bradley
Dorene M. Brady
Jean Bragg
George Bramer
Phyllis Brand
Jeanine Brandfield
Mark & Lorraine Brattoli
Richard E. Braun
Mark & Kathy Braun
Donaven Braun
Cameron Braun
Walter Braunshausen
R Brazelton
Agnes J. Breetzke
Mrs. Josephine Brekrus
Ellen Brennan
Mary Ellen Brennan
Carol Brizzolara
Dr. Gerald & Anna Broderick
Douglas and Victoria Brooks
Mary Brososky
Sue Brothers
Mr. Christopher Brown
Mary Brown
Dorothy Brown
Joe and Kassie Brown
Mary Ann Brown
Michael Brugger
Mark & Terrie Bryant
Donald & Hilda Bubb
E.j. Bucholtz
The Budreau Family
E. H. Bueter
Eugene Burd
Tom & JoEllen Burns
Jim and Sue Burns
Sue Busko
Emily Butler
Mary Jane Buzolich
Michal Byanski
Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bycraft III
Sally Byer
Bob & Jaci Byrne
Mr. & Mrs. David Bystry
Rose Cabanaw
Frank Cackowski
Paul E. Cagnet
Marilyn Cahalan
Ruth Cain
Ms. Pat Calentine
Robert A. Caley
John & Jane Callan
L K Calvin
Christopher Campanale
Mr. and Mr. Eugene Campanale
Jolene Campbell
Al Campoli
Pat Canright
Ms. Jill Cantwell
Ginger Carboneau
Joella Carll
Ms. Carmela Saggese
Mary & Patrick Carr
Michael J. Carr
“Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carrrico, Sr.”
Theresa Cary
Sally Casey
Judy & Bruce Cassady
Thomas E. Castaldi
Marion Cavanaugh
Agnes Cavin
Joe & Helen Celarek
Marianne Centlivre
John Cergnul
Thomas and Geraldine Chamberlin
Maryann Chandler
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Chaney
Mr. and Mrs. James Chapman
Kathleen Chaput
James Cheviron
Rita J. Chilson
Marilyn Christensen
Jim & Linda Christie
Charles Christman
Marian Christman
Ruth Chronister
Mary Ann Chrustowski
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Chrzan
Joseph T. Cichos
Mary Anne Cilella
Art & Carol Cislo
Jean Clagg
Sandra Clark
Donald Clemente
Robert & Nancy Clemente
Paul & Susan Clemente
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cler
Harold & Frances Clinger
Mr. & Mrs. William Close
Lynn & Barbara Cocks
Virginia Coddens
Jean A. Cohen
Helen Colchin
Patricia M. Cole
Stan Colligan
Joan and Charles Colligan
Dorothy Connors
Mary Lou Conroy
Sam & Carol Conte
Kathryn Cooper
Judith A. Cooper
George & Dorene Cope
Richard Copenhaver
George Corral
Patricia Correia
Dianne Cosentino
Jerry Costello
Charles R. Cothman
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Coussens
Sarah A. Cover
Nancy L. Cox
JoAnn Craft
Mr. & Mrs. David Crager
Robert Craighead
Rick Craney
Mary Ann Crawford
Duane & Etta Creager
Kathryn Cree
Mary Creigh
William Cressy
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Cripe
John Crist
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Crouch
Alice F. Crowley
Jerry & Theresa Croy
Irene Csiszar
Lucy A. Cuccinelli
Susan Cuellar
Rosalie Cummings
Robert & Barbara Curran
Eugene Curran
Judith Currens
Mrs. Esther Cyr
Penny Cyr
Bertha Cyr
James R. Cyrier
Mrs. Margaret Czarnecki
John Dabbelt
Allen and Beverly Dabney
Gerald Dager
Diane Dager
Ms. Carolyn Dager
Thomas & Kelly Dahm
Joseph J. and Dene Dahm
Thomas & Constance Dailey
Anne Dallas
Robert C. Danielson
Mary Danner
Ms. Marlene Davidson
Rosemary Davis
Audrey Davis
Mrs. Mary Davis
Carole Davis
Ronald Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Davis
Lawrence Day
James Day
Marie Debaets
Regina Decoursey
Mike Deiser
Renatta Deitsch
Ms. Susan Delaney
James Deloff
J Delu
Louis and Dorothy Demeter
Raymond Demski
Donna Dent
Ralph & Carolyn DePaolo
Thomas Deranek
Mrs. Helene Derloshon
Stephen DeWald
Albert DeWisepelaere
Mary DeWitt
Phillip Didier
Carol Didier
Ralph Dietrich
Dietsch Family
Robert Dillon
Robert & Linda Diltz
Carl J. Dischner
Audrey DiTella
Patrick Dittrich
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dlugosz
John & Jennifer Dluzak
Mr. and Mrs. Duane A. Doctor
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Dodane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doellinger Sr.
Sharon Donlon
Ms. Marianne Doran
Diana & Keith Douge
Dolores Doyle
Gloria Doyle
Stephen B. Drerup
Betty Drust
Mr. & Mrs. Walter D’Souza
Mr. & Mrs. George Dudeck
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Dufallo
Fred Dunderman
Robert Dunfee
Ellen Dunlap
Patrick & Marianne Dunne
James and Sharon Dunnuck
Karen Dwyer
Joe and Pam Dyer
Mr. & Mrs. Dykhuizen
Marie Dylag
Genevieve Dyszkiewicz
Mr. Edwin Eberhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ebert
William Eckert
Ann Eckert
Chris & Carol Ann Eckrich
Richard Eddy
Jack and Bonnie Egenhoefer
Bernard Eggink
Mr. C.S. Ehinger
Maury Ehinger
Robert & Rita Eichstedt
Mr. & Mrs. David Eiserle
Decon Dave & Donna Elchert
Velma Ellert
Agnes Elli
Judy Elwell
The Elwood Family
Lois A Emenhiser
Mr. Jerry Emenhiser
Greg Emenhiser
Susan Emley
Irene M. Engel
John & Chelly Erichsen
Donald Esser
G. Jane Etzler
Theresa Evans
Marilyn Evans
Marcia Everett
Paul & Mary Everett
Lee & Cindy Evers
James Fagen
Mr. & Mrs. William Falbe
Robert & Muriel Fales
Kathryn Fallon
James L. Fanger
James & Patricia Faroh
Richard & Susan Farrell
Donald & Jane Farrelly
Larry & Judy Farver
Joseph and Dorothy Farwell
Darryl Faye
Marilyn Feagler
Nancy Fecher
J. Thomas and Barbara Federspiel
Patricia Feehly
Robert Feipel
Virginia Feipel
Robert Felicichia
Joseph J. Fenker
Steve L. Fetzer
Chris & Amy Fewell
Ann Fey
John Fifer
Ms. Eleanor Filipek
Reno Fimbianti
Patricia M. Fipp
Thomas H. Fischer
Bill & Marlene Fisher
Carolyn Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. John Fisher
James Fisher
Joan Fitt
Georgina Fitzmaurice
James E. Flaharty
William & Mary Fleck
Vivian Fleckenstein
Josef & Christina Florin
Harriet Flowers
Odette Fobe
Linda Foley
Dennis & Margie Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Forte
Richard Fortman
Yvonne A. Foss
George & Mary Jo Foster
Kevin Fox
Eugene P. Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Fox
Timothy & Lynn Foy
Charles and Kathleen Fredrickson
Chris Freehill
Gary Freiburger
Euguene Freiburger
Margaret Frelburger
Karen A. Frick
Elaine Fritz
Cletus & Beverly Fritz
Patricia Frost
Richard & Linda Fry
Rita Fry
Catherine Frye
Jim & Kathy Fuchs
Sam A. Funich Sr
Elvera Gable
Fabijan Gabrek
Karen Gaff
Gregory A. and Diana L. Gallagher
Jeffrey & Christina Galligher
Nancy Gamble
Carolyn Gamble
Mr. Norbert Gapczynski
Vincent & Rebecca Garcia
Esteban Garcia
Carol A. Garcia
Barbara Garrard
Arthur Garringer
Jerome Geimer
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Gentile
Suzanne Geoffray
David & Jan Gerardot
Albert & June Gerstbauer
Mike Gervasi
Sarah Gesell
Ms. Alma Gevers
Mary Giant
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Giel
Debbie Gildea
Brian & Sheila Gillett
Donald & Rosemary Gilpin
Dennis & Joan Giradot
Tertuliano and Marcia Giraldo
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Glotzbach
Mrs. Sally Gnott
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Goff
James Gondek
Mr. John R. Goodwin
W.M. Gorbitz
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Gorney
Dorothy Gotta
Lawrence & Mary Ann Grauvogel
Therese Greer
Rosemary Gremaux
Carol Greulich
Aivars Grieze
Don Griffith
Linda Grohovsky
Meg Grondin-Kelly
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Gross
Sharon Growcock
Mr. John Gruber Jr
Mark Grzesiowski
Rita Grzetich
Mr. & Mrs. Art Guevara
Delma Guitard
John Gulas
Marlow & Jean Gump
Frank Guzik
Kristen Haas
Joan Hacha
W. H. Hackbush
John Hackman
Mark and Nancy Hagar
Teresa Hagenau
Michelle Hagerman
William & Michelle Hagerman
Mrs. Eugene Haifley
Diana Haifley
Kathleen Haines
Jerry Hake
Joshua and Amber Hale
Craig & Theresa Hall
Jeffrey & Julie Hall
Tom & Jo Ann Hanlon
Ladislaus W. Hazel
Carl A. Harber
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harber
Eleanor Harding
Gwen Harding
Joe & Gina Harjung
Dorothy Harper
Rita Harper
Patricia M. Harter
Stuart Harter
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Hartman
Adrian Hartman
Frank Haschka
George Hashu
Marilyn Hatch
Lawrence Haupert
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Hausfeld
Phil Hayes
Neil and Patricia Hayes
Mrs. Eugene Hazinski
Betty Heck-Dennison
Anna Hedl
Julie A. Heeter
Rozanne Hefty
David Heimann
Richard & Judy Hein
Mr. David L. Heiney
Martin & Debbie Heiny
Wm. Phillip and Carolyn Helman
Pat & Dave Helmkamp
Ann Helmke
Doug and Mary Henion
Patrick & Pamela Hennessey
John Hennessey
Mr. & Mrs. Francis C Henry
Eugene W. Henry
Eileen A. Henry
Leonard Herber
Mrs. Rob T. Herber
Herbert Herendeen
Herbertt Herendeen
Ruby Hernandez
Teofanis & Maria Hernandez
James and Breanna Herschel
David A. Hess
Nancy Hettwer
John and Mary Ann Hibbert
Harold Hickey
Phil & Carrie Hilger
Monna Hill
Robert & Phyllis Himschoot
Marcene Hine
Arthur & Donna Hinen
Ruth Hinen
William and Michelle Hitte
Viet Hoang-Giau Nguyen
Vuong Hoang
Mr. and Mrs. William Hochstetter
Georgian Hoevel
Jerome Hoevel
Jerome Hoffman
Carl & Carole Hoffman
Thomas Hoffman
Louise Hoffman
Jeanine Hoffman
Dennis J. Hogan
Rich and Su Hohman
Michael H. Holly
Christopher Holvoet
Donna Holzinger
Rosanna Hopper
Mr. & Mrs. Giles Horban
Ted and Karen Horn
James & Theresa Hornbacher
Fred & Dianne Horne
Bill & Sheila Horney
Jane Horning
Maria Horvath
Ms. Marge Horvath
Ronald Horvath
Mr. & Mrs. James Houk
Jonathan Housand
Ms. Mary Houser
Joan Houser
Mr. David Howard
Martha N. Howe
Margaret Hruby
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Hubbard
Joan Huber
Jacqueline Huber
J. Hudecek
Mr. David Hudnall
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Hudson
Kim Hudson
Richard & Patricia Huemmer
Nancy Huesing
Mrs. Helen R. Huff
Susan Hull
Arnetta Hunnicutt
Connie Hunt
Margaret Hunter
Joan and Charles Hurley
Judi Hurst
Martin T. Husar
Mr. E Huss
Gail Huth
Clifford Huther
Robert & Ruth Huyvaert
Susan Iannucilli
David Ihrie
Joyce Inniger
Kathryn Inwood
Steve & Teresa Irven
Florence Isaacs
Thomas & Mary Ann Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Jackson
Mary Ann Jacobs
Gerald and Linda Jacquay
Kyle & Rita Jacques
Gerhardt & Paula Jaeckle
Brent Jagla
Renee James
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Janatello
Janice K. Janzaruk
Mr. & Mrs. Egbert Jarboe
Carole Jaroch
Lawrence Jarze
Joan Jaworski
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jeffers
Michael Jeffirs
John and Sigrid Jernigan
Anna A. Jetmore
Dorothy Jockel
Marty Hochstetler & Terri Johns
William & Norma Johnson
Sharon Johnson
Marianne Johnson
Carole Johnson
Vera Johnson
David and Barbara Johnson
John and Carole Johnson
Elaine Johnston
David & Angela Jones
Alverda L. Jones
David Jordan
Mrs. Joan Jordan
Marie Jordan
Kevin and Jennifer Joyce
David Jozwiak
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Jump
Richard & Carmen Jun
Gerald & Sharon Junk
Ken & Mary Jurss
Fred Kagel
Jose F. Nikolaus Kahlert
Tom & Donna Kaiser
James & Patricia Kaiser
Joan Kaizer
Rose Kalina
Don Kammer
Marion Kamp
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Kampf
Bernardine Kaniuth
Mrs. G. R. Kasper
Dennis G. Kaufman
Chris Kaufman
Dennis Kaylor
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Kazmierczak
Karen Kazmierzak
Virginia Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Kearns
Steve & Mary Keefer
Christopher Keefer
Larry & Rita Keeley
Thomas E. Keiber
Judy & Ed Keil
Tom & Toni Keller
Bruce and Sue Keller
Patricia Keller
Kelty Marvene
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kennerk
Mrs. Donna E. Keough
Richard and Christine Kerby
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Keres
Esther Kersues
Joseph Kiefer
Robert Kiefer
Marilyn Sanborn Kigar
Jerome and Sherry Kill
William Killilea
Time & Joyce Kimmel
Leo & Martha Kinast
Patrick & Cheryl Kinder
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kinder
Frank & Margie Kinn
Carolyn Kirkendall
Katherine Kirwan
M E Kisseberth
Rebecca Kizer
Gerald and Pamela Kleber
Dale and Karen Klein
Mr. Thomas A. Klein
Justin Luella Kleinrichert
Bruce & Rose Klem
Donald Klimek
Mrs. Jeanette Klingenberger
Jaome Kloser
Kenneth & Barbara Klowetter
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Knach
Thomas E. Knecht
Mr. Kinnaird Kniss
William Knorr
Barbara Knox
Ms. Diane Knueve
Dianne Koch
Carol Koenig
Kenneth Koerber
Connie Koester
Gene & Kathleen Kohn
Thomas & Joan Kohrman
Ed Kokosa
Chester & Vivian Kolber
John and Andrea Komorowski
Tin & Connie Konz
Dennis & Diane Koomler
Lavonne Koop
Alice Kopfer
Henrietta Kosinski
Matt & Cindy Kostoff
Sharon Kovach
Gloria Kovatch
Mrs. Margaret Kozak
Barbara Kozmer
Irena Kozokiewicz
The Krach Family
Roberta Krawczyk
Daniel Kreager
Vicki Krizmanich
Lois Krol
Robert Krouse
Karen Krouse
Charlotte Kruchten
John and Judy Kruk
Larry Kruse & Mary Ann Osuch
Vivian R. Kucharski
Ramona Kuehn
Rae Kuik
John S. Kujawa
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Kujawski
Gary & Adele Kush
Deacon Ervin Kuspa
Michael L. Laatz
Janet M. Lakner
Greg Lakner
Tom Langdon
Paula Lange
Charlotte Lantz
Norma J. Lanz
Klaus Lanzinger
William & Chere Lapkiewicz
Carolyn Lapp
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Larkey
Marilyn J. LaRocque
The Larranaga Family
Lawrence R. & J. Celeste Laskowski
David & Nancy Latham
L.H. Lauer
Ron and Paula Laurent
Bob Lause
Ruth Lawson
W.W. Learned Jr.
Mrs. Mae Leedy Wp
James R. & C. Kay Leeper
Doris J. Lehman
Rose Mary Lehman
Patricia Lehman
John & Judy Lehner
Margaret M. Lemish
Larry & Judith Lemler
Paul Lengerich
Eric & Nicole Lenhof
Mr. Theodore R. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. John Leszcynski
Joseph and Elizabeth Letherman
Stewart Lewis
Kenneth R. Lichtle
Amanda Lieb
Linda Wilson
Robert L. Lindeman
Maurice C. Linder
Carl Linder
Rob & Angela Lingenfelter
Lorraine Lips
Mr. & Mrs. Robert List
Jennifer Little
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Livingston
Dolores Lobacz
William Lochmandy
Thomas & Carol Logan
Herbert Lohmuller
Jack and JoAnne Longacre
Guilia Longardner
Tom & Retha Loogman
Gerald Lopshire
Rob and Vickie Lortie
Ms. Darlene Lothamer
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Lothamer
Lawrence Lothamer
karen Lotts
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Louraine
Ed Lovett
Eugene & Ann Lowden
Catherine Lower
Mr. Frank T. Luarde
Richard Luczkowski
Patricia Luczynski
Margaret Ludwick
Robert E. Ludwig
Robert Ludwig
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ludwig
Ms. Pauline Lueken
Barbara Lula
John Lyuers
Mary Ann Lyuers
Lena Lyvers
Mary Machall
Karen Mack
Clement S. Mackowiak
Carol Z Maclean
Patricia M. Madden
Kathleen Magsam
Mary Mahank Barnes
Rita Mahoney
Ona M. Major
Colleen & George Makovic
Ronald J. Maloney
Billie Malott
Mrs. Alice Maloy
Elia Mancini
Rosalia P. Mandis
William D. Mann
Mike and Diane Mapes
Tom & Sharon Marchese
Ms. Mary Marks
Daniel & Sue Marku
Jerry & Margaret Marley
Adeline Marozsan
Don and Ann Marqueling
Kathleen Marshall
James Martin
Joyce Martin
Otto & Marlene Martinec
Lorenzo Martinez
Mary Jane Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Marz
Bonnie J. Master
Arlene Masters
Michael Mastrangelo
Mary Kay Matasky
Marianne Matchette
John & Helen Matera
Mr. & Mrs. Walter J. Mattes
Mr. & Mrs. John Matthys
Joan Mauser
George Mayerhofer
James Mazurkiewicz
Steve & Karla McArdle
Mary M. McBride
John & Sheila McBride
Linda McCammack
Evelyn McClure
Anita McCollester
Lori McComb
Sandra McCullough
Mr. & Mrs. Jon A. McDaniel
Robert McDonald
Ann Coar McGann
Peggy McGowan
Joe & Stella McGraw
John J. McGuire
Ronald & Connie McKay
H.D. McKee
Mr. and Mrs. William McKenna
David McKernan
James McLane
Mary McLaughlin
Kathy McLaughlin
Walter T. McMahon
Kathleen A. McManus
James & Nancy McNamara
Mr. & Mrs. George McNeely
Tim & Helen McNeill
Catherine McPhilamy
Pat Meachum
Mark and Lisa Meadows
Norma L. Meehan
Jesus Mendez
Leanne M. Mensing
Iris Mensing Goerner
Geary Menze
Chris Mettler
Thomas Meuleman
Sally L. Meyer
Anthony and Leone Michel
Denny and Ruth Micsh
Dan and Lisa Mikolajczak
Ed Mild
Donald & Laura Miller
Sharon Miller
Mrs. Clara Miller
William Miller
Kay Miller
Jerry Miller
Ronald and Jean Miller
Mildred Miller
Lou & Jenny Miller
Larry & Estelle Miller
Michael & Mary Jane Millikan
Don Milzarer
Miss Toni Minichillo
Mr. Carl Minick
Kathryn Minnick
Raymond & Linda Minnick
James & Annette Mitchell
Clara N. Mitchell
Gerald Mittendorf
George & Phyllis Mizer
Rosemary Mochel
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Molnar
William & Ruth Molnar
Celeste M. Mommer
James and Emma Momper
Vera C. Monahan
Mr. & Mrs. Michael J. Monahan
David Monhaut
Peter Moody Jr
Nancy Moore
Leona Moore
Margaret Morgan
Janet Morganthaler
Jeff & Rene Moring
Edward Morken
Mary Morris
Steve Morrison
Robert & Evelyn Morrissey
Annette Morrow
Helen Morse
Connie Morton
Mary Ann Mostaert
Sara Mozdren
Tom and Denise Murphy
Mrs. Donald R Musick
Mr. & Mrs. Raleigh Myers
William & Theresa Myers
Pauline Mymett
Sara Nash
Rusty W. Neilson
Kim & Elaine Neuport
Mrs. Mary A. Newton
Mrs. Andrea Nichols
“William Nichols, Jr.”
Jeff & Linda Niespodzianys
Helen Nix
M. Nix
A.L. Nix
John Nix
James W. Noffsinger
Margaret Nolen
Jill O. Noreuil
Irene Norris
Richard Norton
Bernadine Nowicki
Stanley and Evelyn Nowicki
Mr. & Mrs. James Nugent
Davio & Penny Nye
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Nyers
Ms. Rita Nykiel
Donald Oakes
David L. Obergfell
Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Oberle
Tom Oberley
Patricia Oberley
John O’Connell
Rita J. O’Connor
Maurice & Germaine O’Daniel
Frank Oddou
Paul Offerle
Mrs. Daniel Offerle
Rosie O’Keefe
Paul Okuly
Kathleen O’Neil
Ron & Nancy Orman
Gabor & Margaret Oross
Edith O’Rourke
Larry & Nancy Orszulak
Joseph E. Orth
Daniel F. Osberger
Stephen and Catrina O’Shaughnessey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Osterholt
Simone Ostric
John J Overmyer
Miguel Oviedo
Richard and Joyce Pacer
John Pajakowski
Mrs. Pat Palkowski
Gladden Pappin
Sandra Paprocki
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Paragi
Rina Parish
Dale & Sally Parish
Richard & Kathleen Parrish
Marion Pasierbowicz
James Patrick
Mr. & Mrs. Trent Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Patterson
Gerald & Joyce Pawlak
John & Dolores Peck
James Pemberton
Maria Perez
Anthony & Gail Pesa
Barbara Peterman
Jo Pfaffenbach
Cecelia M. Pfledderer
Betty Phillips
Mr. Mark Piazza
Charles Piechocki
Mrs. Theresa Piechowiak
Margaret Pieri
Pauline Pierson
Beverly Pilarski
Ruth Pliett
Bernard Pokrzywinski
Mrs. Mildred Polletta
Salvatore & Rose Pontecorvo
Thomas Porter
Margaret Potthoff
Stephen A. Power
Joseph R. Posgai
“Mrs. Maurice T. Pozzi, Jr.”
Mr. & Mrs. Michael S. Pranger
Tim Price
Gisella Probst
Elsie Proctor
Lorraine Prorok
Robert & Marilyn Prue
Ruth Pyle
Marcella Pynaert
Robert Ramesh
Ofelia Ramos
Bernard J. Randall
Rodger Rang
Mrs. Mary Ann Ranly
Kathleen Ranshaw
Martha Rarick
Dorothy Rassi
Robert and Mary Rauh
Mary Rauscher
Cynthia A. Rauwerdink
Elizabeth Ray
Judith Reddin
Ronald Reece
Lawrence Reed
S.K. Reed
Dr. John E. Regan
John Reid
Mike & Judy Reifenberg
Richard Reiner
Virgil & Monica Reinig
Elisabeth Reitzug
Dorothy Remley
James & Mary Alice Rennels
Steve Rennels
Ms. Mary Renner
Art & Julie Renninger
Stephen Renz
Paul & Rosemary Reszel
Helen S. Retek
Norbert Rethlake
Ardella Reust
Sanita Rheinheimer
John & Nancy Rice
Larry G. Rich
Ruth J. Richter
Pearl Rickard
Nancy Ridenour
Phyllis Riecke
David Riehle
Ms. Pamela Righetti
Rachel M. Riley
Ann Riley
Larry and Linda Riley
Melvin & Annabel Ring
Ms. Alice Ring
Gloria Riveros
Patricia Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Robertson
Karen Robinson
Fred Roble
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Rock Jr
Judith E. Roeger
Max A. Roesler
Jean Rogers
Daniel & Jan Roland
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Romary
Russell Romey
Mrs. Marlene Romie
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rondot
Mrs. Emma Jeane Roop
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Rorick
John and Joan Rorick
Margaret Rosenberger
Diana Roth
Joe & Mary Kay Rowe
Jeffery & Jacki Rude
Edward Ruetz
Mr. & Mrs. Antonio Rulli
Dave & Kelly Rumschlag
Bonnie Rumschlag
Mr. & Mrs. Max Rupley
David & Carolyn Ruppert
Charles & Margie Jo Russell
Sena Ruszkowski
Tim & Kathy Ryan
Blane & Diane Ryan
Marilyn Rzeszewski
Barbara Sahut
Frances Sain
Elfriede Samuel
Elizabeth Sanders
Elena Sanz-Caballero
Don Saurbeck
Larry Scalise
Thomas Scalzo
John K. Schaefer
Jeff and Mary Schafer
Lisa Schanbacher
Harriet J. Scheetz
Joseph Schenkel
John Schenkel
Mark Schenkel
Eleanor Schepper
Dale Scherman
Ms. Joan Schindel
Geraldine Schissler
Diane Schlatterbeck
Don Schlaut
Dr. & Mrs. R M Schleinkofer
Philip and Carie Schlink
Lucy Schlosser
Ronald Schmanske
Jerry Schmeltz
Ray & Barb Schmitt
William Schmitt
Jerry & Janie Schoenle
Krys Schoenle
Mary Schoenrock
Nick and Cheryl Schortgen
Mr. Donald C. Schrader
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Schrumpf
Mr. & Mrs. Johh Schuhler
Steve and Lucia Schultheis
Joyce Schultz
George & Marge Schulz
Anton Schwartz
John Schweiger
Shirley Schwindaman
Gloria Costin Scott
Rose Ann Scraton
David and Mary Scudder
Bob & Cheryl Sedlmeyer
Thomas & Louise Sekel
Alan & Linda Selner
Mr. David Senesac
Phil & Laura Seng
Gina Settimi
Ms. Margaret Shane
Tim Shearer
Ms. Alice Sheehan
Joan Sheets
Mr. Eric Sheibley
Marjorie P. Shell
Susan and Steven D. Sherburne
R. Scott & Mary M. Shifley
Kerry Shipman
Joan Shoaff
Fr. Tom Shoemaker
Pam & Bob Shook
Robert Short
Jim & Bertie Shrader
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Shuler
Timothy Shuman
Donald & Bernice Sibal
Donald Sidlowski
Mary Sigsbee
Dorothy L. Silkworth
“Victor Sima, Jr.”
Frank G. Simon
Gary & Susan Simpson
David Singleton
Diane Sinn
Ralph Sisco
Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration
Christopher Skoczylas
Phyllis Skwarcan
Richard & Barbara Slabaugh
Gynelle Slayton
Bart A. Smart
Victor Smart
A. Joanne Smith
Donald E. Smith
Doral E. & Helen Smith
Mary Smith
Michael Smith
Louise Smith
Jim and Cheryl Smith
Mary Ann and Gen Smith
Judith Smyth
Scarlet M. Sobasky
Helene J. Sobiech
Elizabeth Sonnek
Lavon C. Sorg
Raymond Sorg
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Sorg
Mr. Russell Sorg
Thomas & Mary Sorg
Maxine Sorg
Bob Souder
Judith Spare
Tim and Sarah Speer
Elena Spingler
Steve & Pat Spoltman
Erna Springer
Loretta H. Spychalski
Marietta Squibb
St. Mary of the Assumption
Mr. & Mrs. William Stage
Suzanne Stalf
Donald R. Stalter
Vicki Starkweather
Lewis D. Starr
Carol Staszewski
Janet L. Staton
Chris Stayanoff
Marie Steinberger
Judie Steiner
Henrietta Steinhofer
Joseph & Mary Steininger
Angeline Steininger
Thomas M. Sternal
Thomas Sternal
Maxine Sternberger
Suzanne Stevens
Robert and Eileen Stevens
Mark Stevens
Donna Stier
Thomas Stoeckley
Daniel E. Stoffel
Mrs. Mary Stolz
Donald & Delores Storm
Sally A Strack
Joe Strittmatter
Leo & Geri Stronczek
Ted Strychalski
Ms. Betty Stuart
Mrs. David Stump
Gene & Nancy Subler
Marvin Sudhoff
Shirley Sueppel
The Sullivan Family
Rev. William T. Sullivan
Larry and Nancy Sumpter
Jane & John Surbeck
Elizabeth Suter
Anne J. Suth
Maureen Suth
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Suth
Jane and Chris Svarczkopf
Stan & Carol Swartz
Shirley Swartz
Dan and Monica Swygart
Alice Szymc
William & Kathleen Szajko
Jane Szalay
Irene Szalay
John Szobocsan
Mary Ann Szobocsan
Mary Lou Szymanski
Mr. Thomas Szymanski
Dave & Mary Szymczak
Stephanie Szynal
Frank G. Taelman
Rayola Talarico
Samuel Talarico
Aranka Talos
Mrs. Rita Tarr
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Tatman
Nancy Taylor
Larry & Angela Taylor
Ms. Faye Taylor
Janice L. Taylor
William Teaque
Mrs. Joyce Teders
Duane & Joan Teders
Michael Telley
Eleanor Tengelitsch
Mrs. Georgia Tenney
Richard & Mary Ann Tepe
Michael and Terrance Henthorne
Lawrence Than
Victoria Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. David Thomas
Marty Thomas
Jackie Thornton
Mary Thul
James & Patricia Tighe
Jeanette Till
Larry and Ellen Till
Carolyn Till
Richard & Nancy Till
Kelly Tippmann
Mr. Donald Tippmann
Mary Ann Tippmann
Ed Tobey
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Tomatore
Brian Tomlinson
Vernon & Tonya Torres
David & Dors Towner
Joyce Trabel
Kirk Trabert
Joseph Tratnyek
Robert J. Trausch
Allen R Tribolet
Dorothy Trischler
Linda A. Trowbridge
Patricia A. Turk
Mary Tuttle
Patrick & Suzanne Tyler
Steve & Diane Uebelhoer
Tom & Joann Ueber
Irene Ueber
Mr. & Mrs. John Uhran Jr.
Don & Amy Urban
Richard Urbanski
Mr. Jim Vachon
Marilyn A. Vachon
Mary Ann Van Driessche
Lila Vanderbilt
Mark and Deb Vanderklok
Patricia VanNess
Wilma Veldman
Paul Verhoff
Ruth Victor
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Viglietta
Dolores Vogt
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Von Rohr
L. Vonderhaar
Linda Vore
Paul & Shirley Vorndran
Leonard Votava
Daniel A. Vought
Catherine Vroman
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Vukovits
Dr. & Mrs. James E. Wack
Jean Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Wagoner
Julie Waite
Frank Walerko
Joann Walker
Mrs. Mary Ann Wall
Mary Wallen
Chris Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Day
Thomas & Diane Ward
Ron Ward
Helen Ward
Helen Ward
Sarah Ward
Virginia Warner
Donna Warnimont
Larry Wartha
Thomas Was
Pamela Washburn
Mary Ann Wasniewsky
Stan and Mary Ellen Watson
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John J. Weber
Marc & Karen Weber
Mr. James Weber
Loretta Weber
Zina Weidow
Robert M. Weigand
Ms. Virginia Weinley
Lorraine Weinswig
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Shirley Weldon
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Richard & Ilene Willard
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John Wirtner
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Leonard Wisowaty
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E. Wolansky
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Kay Wooding
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Rev. Timothy A. Wrozek
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Mary Kay Zahm
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