January 9, 2022 // Obituaries

Rest in Peace: January 9, 2022


Machelle Pepple, 64, Immaculate Conception

Fort Wayne

Judy Baatz, 79, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Daniel Bireley, 70, St. Vincent de Paul

Carol Cornell, 77, St. Vincent de Paul

Irma Vanderbosch, 94, Our Lady of Good Hope


Sister Mary Joan Ginsterblum, OLVM, 102, Archbishop Noll Memorial Chapel

Max A. Rupley, 92, SS. Peter and Paul


Daniel Bezi, 85, Queen of Peace

Lorainne DeGeeter, 95, St. Bavo

Elizabeth Piraccini, 94, Queen of Peace

New Haven

Darlene A. Lothamer, 84, St. Louis, Besancon 

Joseph L. Morris, 83, St. John the Baptist

Kathleen S. Rosengrant, 75, St. Louis, Besancon

South Bend

Elena Arroya-Najar, 1 hour, St. Adalbert

Maria Cabrera, 52, St. Adalbert

Genevieve Dyszkiewicz, 97, St. Adalbert

Barbara Dudeck, 81, Holy Family

Winfield A. MacDonald, 95, Christ the King

Dorothy Putz, 84, St. Adalbert

Walter Regulinski, 75, Holy Family

John Rozycki, 82, Holy Family


Miriam Fierstos, 97, St. Bernard Wabash

Daniel Roland, 75, St. Bernard Wabash


Ann M. Sullivan, 53, Sacred Heart

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