June 1, 2010 // Uncategorized

Making Jesus the King of our homes

Our homes are usually filled with pictures of families and friends, perhaps vacation highlights of the times and people that are important to us. But how much do we embrace pictures of Jesus?

My family has a tradition of displaying a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in a prominent place in our homes. My grandparents and parents held this tradition dear. My mom’s brothers embrace the tradition in their homes.

When I was in college and living in an off-campus apartment, my mom sent a framed picture of the Sacred Heart, just like the one that hung in our family’s living room next to the front door, with me to college. When Rose and I married, we hung a picture of the Sacred Heart in the living room, next to the front door.

An Irish buddy of mine says it is an Irish custom for the Sacred Heart photo to be hanging next to the main entrance of an Irish home.

My vision of what Jesus looks like is that Sacred Heart photo. Our Lord’s eyes seem to follow you. I am reminded of the pain He suffered when I see the crown of thorns wrapped around His heart.

When Rose and I moved to the country in southern Allen County, we invited Father William Hodde, a dear family priest who married us, had baptized my wife when she was an infant and served many years as our pastor at St. Aloysius, Yoder, to bless the new house and conduct an Enthronement of the Sacred Heart. The enthronement involved a prayer service as well as a blessing of the photo. Through the enthronement, the family recognizes the kingship of Jesus over the family and home.

By placing the photo next to our front door, the picture is very noticeable from several vantage points. Our dining room and sunroom look directly towards the photo in the living room. When coming up the stairs from our basement, the photo is prominent. When heading into the bedrooms, we are reminded that Jesus is a part of our family, just like the other photos we have of family members and friends.

When Jesus appeared to the French nun, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, in the 1600s, He revealed devotion to the Sacred Heart. One of the promises He gave St. Margaret Mary was: “I will bless every dwelling where an image of My Heart is both exposed and honored.”

When we consecrate our families and homes to the Sacred Heart, we are offered the graces to stabilize and sanctify the family; to create a Catholic atmosphere and spirit of piety in the home; to bring back the wayward members; and to help console the family members in times of trial and sorrow.

On June 11, the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is celebrated. Several Web resources offer Enthronement information.

The Enthronement and devotion of the Sacred Heart is a lovely devotional that can easily be brought or recaptured into our homes. It is a reminder that Christ is a part of our family.

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