Samantha Rohloff
July 27, 2020 // Diocese

Expressing love for the Eucharist

Samantha Rohloff

Let’s face it. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected not only the physical, mental and emotional health of everyone in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, it has deeply affected their spiritual health as well. With churches now reopened, Catholics are able to worship in their parish churches and receive the Eucharist once again. Many do so with a renewed appreciation for the gift of being able to receive the Lord’s Body and Blood.

What does the Eucharist mean to local Catholics who have been away for a while?

Ernest Hemingway is credited with writing an entire story in just six words. His famous narrative was, “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” While this is an incredibly sad story, it also presents a potential challenge.

Can Today’s Catholic readers, remembering the heartache of not being able to physically receive the Lord in the Eucharist, create a story in only six words that expresses what the Eucharist means to them now? Some readers were asked: “Now that you’ve been away from this holy sacrament for some time and have since been able to return, what does the Eucharist truly mean to you?”

Below are accounts from the faithful of different diocesan parishes. Their six-word stories express experiences and emotions that range from doubt and desolation to hope and perseverance throughout the trying time. Knowing that the Eucharist can never truly be described in just six words alone, the testimonies allowed the storytellers to articulate their experiences with the Eucharist during the pandemic. Although some of these stories are shorter than six words, the message and meaning behind the words is still clear.

“Without receiving, my soul hurts deeply.” — Danielle Burns

“Bread. Wine. Simply Blessed. Always Forgiven.” — Jeff Wyckoff

“Receiving one who truly loves me.” — Terry Neu

“Metanoia’s call, light and cherished prize!” — Sandy Harlan

“My Poor Eucharistic Diet = Undernourished Soul.” — Pat Kerlin

“All-consuming love; His intimate union.” — Sarah Nix

“The joy of receiving sacrificial love!” — Anonymous

“Most essential Love, life, and meaning.” — Stacey

“Sweet Jesus, feed me again soon!” — Diane

“The Eucharist is my whole life.” — Andy C.

“Rule of life: prohibition increases desire.” — Anonymous

“Heartbeat, left with no lover’s beat.” — Teresa Breckler

“Never fear death — Jesus is Lord.” — Parker Zurbuch

“Now my absolution only lives virtually.” — Kennedy Lomont

“God’s incarnate love nurtures me daily.” — Sarah Lane

“Our life, our love, our hope.” — Brittany Ort

“Eucharistic Longing. Waiting. Wanting. Wondering. Receiving!” — Deb Wagner

“I’m a desert; thirsty for rain.” — Jama Federspiel

“Free meal, divinely prepared, all invited.” — Mary Wallen

“Jesus takes away all my sins.” — Beth Neu

“Jesus-gone, hope-gone, sanity-gone.” — Piper D.

“My only consolation in this life.” — Paige Shepler

“My heart, Your Heart, one again.” — Anonymous

“Love doesn’t die because of distance.” — Anonymous

Bradley Santos

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