Wednesday May 04
Third annual Diaper Drop
Cost: whatever you spend on diapers!
When a baby cries, one of the first things Mom checks is his diaper. How do you soothe a crying baby if you don’t have a clean, dry diaper? Imagine the stress and despair Moms feel when they can’t soothe their baby in this most basic way. This Mother’s Day, the Christ Child Society wants to make the lives of infants, toddlers and Moms in our community better, healthier and safer!
Diapers will be delivered to the following agencies: El Campito, St. Margaret’s House, YWCA, La Case de Amistad, Center for the Homeless and St. Vincent de Paul as well as Foster Hope (a Christ Child Society program). Last year, well over 40,000 diapers were collected. The goal for 2022 is 60,000!
These organizations refer clients to The Christ Child Society when, every autumn, thousands of children from birth through age 14 receive new coats, clothing, shoes and books at the CCS Clothing Center. For 75 years, The Christ Child Society has steadfastly served the children of St. Joseph County.