Sunday Feb 25
Retreat / Pilgrimage
Parish Mission
Cost: FREE
St. John Bosco will have a Parish Mission, “You Too Shall Be My Witness” each evening Feb. 25 through March 1 at 6 p.m. with a light supper followed by a speaker at 7 p.m.
Speakers and topics include: Sunday: Don Quaglia, What is Witnessing: Lessons from the Scripture; Monday: Colleen Mitchell, Experiencing and Knowing the Lord: The Foundation to Effective Witness; Tuesday: Rev. Collins U. Okeke, We and the New Evangelization: Ministry to Self, Adults and Youths (Opportunity for Confession); Wednesday: Cindy Black, Practical Christianity: Witnessing in Line with the Blessed Virgin Mary; and Thursday: Closing Mass celebrated by Most Rev. Kevin C. Rhoades followed by a reception in the basement.