Wednesday Mar 14
Formation / Training
Mental health topic discussion with panelists
Fort Wayne
Cost: FREE
Anxiety and depression — A brief exploration of a broad topic will be the subject of a panel question/answer discussion sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul Respect Life Committee on Wednesday, March 14, at 7 p.m. in the Msgr. John Kuzmich Life Center at St. Vincent de Paul Parish, 1502 E Wallen Rd. Panelists include Greg Essig, PhD, HSPP (Licensed Counseling Psychologist at Feathergill & Associates); Father James Bromwich (Chaplain at Parkview Regional Medical Center and Instructor of Medical Ethics/Human Dignity) and Paige Clingenpeel, LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Therapist for Parkview Health, assigned to Carroll High School).
If you haven’t experienced it yourself, chances are you know someone who has dealt with or is currently dealing with one of these two widespread mental health conditions. It seems they’re more prevalent now than ever, especially in teenagers and young adults. But they’re also on the rise in the elderly population. The reasons are no doubt many and diverse. Is it possible to identify the warning signs? As a family member or friend, how can you help? What interventions are recommended? What resources are available?