Monday Dec 04
Home for the Holidays
Cost: free of charge
Home for the Holidays
Monday, December 4, 7-8:30 p.m.
St. Pius X parish, Multi-Purpose Room (enter through Door 6, across from the south playground)
If you are concerned about an adult child who has strayed from the practice of the faith, you are not alone. Learn steps to awaken faith in your adult children while they are home for the holidays. Sean Allen, Founder of Ablaze Mission, and Lisa Everett, Diocesan Director of Marriage & Family Ministry, will present practical steps to rekindle faith in young adults based on Brandon Vogt’s book, “Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church”. Refreshments will be provided. The evening is free of charge, but please register so that we know how many people to expect. To register, please go to and click the button to register for this event.
Please join us for this Advent evening of hope and help!