National Archive

Land O’ Lakes statement on Catholic higher education turns 50 Default Thumbnail

Land O’ Lakes statement on Catholic higher education turns 50

WASHINGTON (CNS)— Not all Catholics are familiar with the Land O’ Lakes statement, a document on Catholic higher education with a cool sounding name, but this landmark text needs no […]

U.S. bishops call for protection for young migrants Default Thumbnail

U.S. bishops call for protection for young migrants

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The chairman of the migration committee of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops urged the Trump administration to “ensure permanent protection” for youth who were brought to […]

Aspiring religious delay entry to pay off debt Default Thumbnail

Aspiring religious delay entry to pay off debt

By Colleen Dulle WASHINGTON (CNS) — For some aspiring priests and religious, the biggest obstacle to pursuing their vocation is student debt. Because many religious orders do not accept members […]

Ohio artist restores religious statues, stirs memories of closed parishes Default Thumbnail

Ohio artist restores religious statues, stirs memories of closed parishes

LAKEWOOD, Ohio (CNS) — St. Elizabeth of Hungary stands tall, the bread in her right hand, a gift to the poor, looks like it may have just come from the […]

Images of faith preserved at Capitol attest to role of religion in U.S. Default Thumbnail

Images of faith preserved at Capitol attest to role of religion in U.S.

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Elaborate artwork adorns the monumental buildings in the nation’s capital, depicting the beauty and grandeur of the neoclassical era that inspired these buildings. It is within these […]

Religious freedom supporters applaud decision siding with Lutheran school Default Thumbnail

Religious freedom supporters applaud decision siding with Lutheran school

WASHINGTON (CNS) — Religious liberty won June 26 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that states cannot discriminate against religious institutions in the distribution of state funds for nonreligious activities. […]

Not just another ‘trade meeting,’ convocation seeks to unify U.S. church Default Thumbnail

Not just another ‘trade meeting,’ convocation seeks to unify U.S. church

WASHINGTON (CNS) — This summer’s Convocation of Catholic Leaders comes at a time when the U.S. Catholic Church is seeking how best to respond to a changing social landscape while […]

Bishops urge renewed dedication to efforts to protect religious liberty Default Thumbnail

Bishops urge renewed dedication to efforts to protect religious liberty

WASHINGTON (CNS) — In launching this year’s Fortnight for Freedom, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops called for renewed dedication to protecting religious freedom. “Freedom for Mission” is the theme […]

New priests, many paths to answering call to serve God’s people Default Thumbnail

New priests, many paths to answering call to serve God’s people

WASHINGTON (CNS) — After almost 12 years as an Episcopal priest, Deacon Jonathan Erdman entered into full communion with the Catholic Church, along with his family, in 2016. A year […]

School Sisters of St. Francis celebrate jubilees Default Thumbnail

School Sisters of St. Francis celebrate jubilees

MILWAUKEE — On June 17, more than 50 U.S. School Sisters of St. Francis will celebrate milestone anniversaries of service as women religious. In addition, two lay women in associate […]

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration celebrate jubilees Default Thumbnail

Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration celebrate jubilees

MISHAWAKA — The Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration in Mishawaka honor six of their sisters who are celebrating jubilees of 60, 50 40 and 25 years of religious […]

USCCB: Briefts from the spring meeting in Indianapolis Default Thumbnail

USCCB: Briefts from the spring meeting in Indianapolis

Dewane: Church ‘committed to ensuring fundamental right’ to health care INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — As the country awaits the U.S. Senate’s plan to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act in […]