Perspective Archive

Hospitality at 6 feet: keeping our distance while letting others in  Default Thumbnail

Hospitality at 6 feet: keeping our distance while letting others in 

“Can you come in?”  My grandma’s favorite question is one we now discourage her from uttering.  The impulse to swing open her door and her arms, honed over nine decades […]

What now for the Supreme Court? Default Thumbnail

What now for the Supreme Court?

As I write this, it is unknown whether President Donald Trump will win or lose his bid for reelection. Either way, however, his most lasting legacy may be his naming […]

Who is the thief? A provocative image Default Thumbnail

Who is the thief? A provocative image

One of the more interesting and surprising images the Lord used for Himself was “thief.” There was a reference to this in the first reading for the Wednesday of the […]

Sts. Isaac Jogues and Jean de Brebeuf, companions on the journey Default Thumbnail

Sts. Isaac Jogues and Jean de Brebeuf, companions on the journey

Simply called the North American martyrs, Sts. Isaac Jogues and seven companions are remembered every year in October for sharing the Gospel with the Native Americans of the Huron nation […]

The perspective we need heading into the election Default Thumbnail

The perspective we need heading into the election

OSV News has heard from a number of readers in recent weeks after we published four points of view on the election. Some appreciated the effort at charitable dialogue; some […]

A rosary for our nation Default Thumbnail

A rosary for our nation

I’ve found myself praying for my country a lot these days. As a family, we remember to do so when we say grace at dinner. At other times — usually […]

Fleeing with the Lord Default Thumbnail

Fleeing with the Lord

We fled. We woke up early, checked the weather reports, turned on the news and hastily packed the car, cramming in essentials: wedding photos, clothes, toddler toys, infant car seat […]

Four principles for Catholics during election season Default Thumbnail

Four principles for Catholics during election season

Every four years, Catholics face an intense dilemma in regard to the vote. There are ardently Catholic Democrats who wonder how their co-religionists could possibly choose a Republican candidate, and […]

Pregnancy-associated cardiomyopathy Default Thumbnail

Pregnancy-associated cardiomyopathy

Recently, I was emergently called to see a beautiful 34-year-old mom at a local hospital. She had delivered her sixth child about five days before. Her baby had respiratory distress […]

Our balm for 2020: the communion of saints  Default Thumbnail

Our balm for 2020: the communion of saints 

Paula Kraus wasn’t afraid to utter the wish burning on her heart, the one that seizes so many preparing to lose a loved one. The Minnesota mom yearned for some […]

Is mandating a COVID-19 vaccine ethical? Default Thumbnail

Is mandating a COVID-19 vaccine ethical?

Virginia State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver told a local news station in August that he planned to mandate COVID-19 immunizations for Virginians once a vaccine becomes available to the […]

For which imperfect candidate should I vote? Default Thumbnail

For which imperfect candidate should I vote?

Elections invite us to cast our vote as citizens and choose the best possible public leaders to meet the exigencies of our present time and circumstances. Whether voting for president […]