Columns Archive

Who’s your Daddy? Default Thumbnail

Who’s your Daddy?

In Plato’s “Republic,” Socrates discusses a society in which the state arranges marriages among its best citizens and assigns their offspring to nurses chosen for the job, “employing every device […]

Jesus is the bread of life, given to us and for us Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

Jesus is the bread of life, given to us and for us

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time John 6:24-35 The Book of Exodus provides us with the first reading in this weekend’s Liturgy of the Word. As the name implies, this book […]

Jesus is the source of our sustenance Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

Jesus is the source of our sustenance

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time John 6:1-15  The Second Book of Kings is the source of this weekend’s first biblical reading. The two books of Kings originally were one volume. […]

Ordinary Time, growing time Default Thumbnail

Ordinary Time, growing time

With long summer days upon us, pregnant with hazy, humid air and green grass growing long in the field, the Church’s liturgical calendar celebrates Ordinary Time.  For weeks upon weeks, […]

Advice for avoiding the ‘rotten fruit’ of our digital age Default Thumbnail

Advice for avoiding the ‘rotten fruit’ of our digital age

The Eighth Commandment is taking a beating on the internet. So is the fifth. Lying and defaming are no longer sins. They are clickbait. The crisis of fake news and […]

A return to what kind of normal? Default Thumbnail

A return to what kind of normal?

Excitement about returning to some form of normalcy has invaded our society and our faith communities. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has truly tested our lives. It is amazing how much […]

The Lord, our shepherd, cares for us Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

The Lord, our shepherd, cares for us

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 6:30-34 The Book of Jeremiah is the source of this weekend’s first reading. One of the three major prophets of ancient Israel, Jeremiah so […]

God has chosen us to share in His power and eternal life Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

God has chosen us to share in His power and eternal life

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 6:7-13  The Book of Amos is the source of this weekend’s first reading. Amos is one of the relatively few prophets of whom something […]

House of grass and sky: an ode to the place that shapes us  Default Thumbnail

House of grass and sky: an ode to the place that shapes us 

Every house, in its own way, is a living thing. It changes as we change. It expands with joy and contracts under duress.  This strikes me as a Catholic concept. […]

Challenging the establishment on childhood gender transitions Default Thumbnail

Challenging the establishment on childhood gender transitions

A 23-year-old woman named Keira Bell recently brought a pivotal lawsuit against the National Health Services Gender Identity Development Clinic in London, better known as the Tavistock Clinic. Keira experienced significant […]

Time for Roe to go Default Thumbnail

Time for Roe to go

I’m looking at a helpless but calm-looking baby, 16 weeks old, resting with eyes closed and one hand next to his or her face. The baby is surrounded by a […]

The divine power of healing rests in Jesus Default Thumbnail
The Sunday Gospel

The divine power of healing rests in Jesus

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Mark 5:21-43  The Book of Wisdom is the source of the first reading. When this book originally was written, the plight of God’s people was […]