Lisa Everett

Family & Pro-Life Office

Diocese Offers Free Course to Strengthen Marriages Default Thumbnail

Diocese Offers Free Course to Strengthen Marriages

Have you heard about The Marriage Course and how couples in our diocese can access it? The Marriage Course was developed in 1996 by Nicky and Sila Lee for couples […]

First Sunday of Advent Default Thumbnail

First Sunday of Advent

Christ comes today and every day As the season of Advent begins, the focus is on Christ’s first coming as a baby in Bethlehem over 2,000 years ago. During Advent, […]

Hope and healing after abortion Default Thumbnail

Hope and healing after abortion

The gruesome discovery of 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains on the property of Ulrich Klopfer has been upsetting on so many levels, and it stands to reason that this revelation […]

Was the Church right about contraception?                                       Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception?                                      

A look at ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later Last in a series on the anniversary In stark contrast to the dramatic rise in divorce that followed the diffusion of contraception […]

Was the Church right about contraception?  Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception? 

A look at “Humanae Vitae” 50 years later Fifth in a series on the anniversary Perhaps the most prophetic warning that Pope Paul VI issued in “Humanae Vitae” regarded the […]

Was the Church right about contraception?  Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception? 

A look at ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later Fourth in a series on the anniversary So far in this series, we have seen how the love-giving and life-giving purposes of […]

Was the Church right about contraception? Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception?

A look at ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later         Third in a series on the anniversary Many people sincerely struggle to understand the moral difference between contraception […]

Was the Church right about contraception? Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception?

A look at ‘Humanae Vitae’ 50 years later         Second in a series on the anniversary Cardinal Karol Wojtyla, the future Pope John Paul II, was a […]

Was the Church right about contraception?  A look at “Humanae Vitae” 50 years later Default Thumbnail

Was the Church right about contraception? A look at “Humanae Vitae” 50 years later

First in a series on the anniversary It is probably safe to say that most people today consider contraception to be an indispensable modern convenience, and have a hard time […]

Forty-five years of legal abortion: Is contraception part of the solution or part of the problem? Default Thumbnail

Forty-five years of legal abortion: Is contraception part of the solution or part of the problem?

Jan. 22 marks the 45th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the infamous Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in our nation. Since that fateful day, almost 60 million […]

What is appropriate wedding attire for church? Default Thumbnail

What is appropriate wedding attire for church?

Every bride wants to look beautiful on her wedding day, and every bridesmaid hopes to wear a dress that is both fashionable and flattering. Beauty, after all, is one of […]

Family planning with benefits Default Thumbnail

Family planning with benefits

How fertility awareness-based methods can enrich marriage Fertility awareness-based methods of family planning, commonly called Natural Family Planning or NFP, are those that teach couples to observe and interpret on […]