John Garvey

Intellect and Virtue

John Garvey is the president of The Catholic University of America.

Take your bill and write 50 Default Thumbnail

Take your bill and write 50

Every course in constitutional law begins with a discussion of Marbury v. Madison, an 1803 case that established the power of judicial review. Marbury struck down a federal statute that […]

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Palms and ashes

My wife has a Palm Sunday habit of weaving her palm into the shape of a cross. I keep mine straight and tuck it behind the crucifix in our kitchen. […]

Come on in Default Thumbnail

Come on in

When I was a boy, there was a revolution in Hungary against the communist government. The Soviet Union put it down brutally. Several hundred thousand Hungarians fled the country, some […]

McGuffey Readers Default Thumbnail

McGuffey Readers

When I was in high school, my English class read Ovid’s “Metamorphoses” in an edition that showed Daphne in the altogether, as she was transformed into a laurel tree. The […]

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COVID-19 and scientism

At the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, I was puzzled about how our reactions to it divided along party lines. There is no obvious reason why Democrats should fear sickness […]

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Government by executive

Perhaps the most pernicious side effect of the recent pandemic has been the substitution of executive action for democratic processes of government. We might have expected a certain amount of […]

Jesus walks Default Thumbnail

Jesus walks

Any Christian who goes to Jerusalem will come away inspired by the experience of visiting a city where Jesus walked. Of course, as with all tourist sites, there is a […]

The will of the people Default Thumbnail

The will of the people

Left-leaning editorial writers and news anchors have recently been warning us that public approval of the Supreme Court is dropping. They refer to polls conducted by Gallup and the Annenberg […]

St. Junipero Serra, California’s fall guy Default Thumbnail

St. Junipero Serra, California’s fall guy

California’s legislature now has it in for St. Junípero Serra, who has long been considered the founding father of the Golden State. Authorities let an angry mob tear down the […]

Risky businesses Default Thumbnail

Risky businesses

The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released a report recently whose alarming rhetoric about carbon dioxide emissions — “code red for humanity” — got me thinking again about nuclear […]

Who’s your Daddy? Default Thumbnail

Who’s your Daddy?

In Plato’s “Republic,” Socrates discusses a society in which the state arranges marriages among its best citizens and assigns their offspring to nurses chosen for the job, “employing every device […]

‘Holy God, We Praise Thy Name’ Default Thumbnail

‘Holy God, We Praise Thy Name’

Every 12 months or so, I’ll remind my wife that I would like the recessional at my funeral to be “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name.” I mentioned this to […]