David Mills


If You’re Looking for God, Look to the Poor Default Thumbnail

If You’re Looking for God, Look to the Poor

A medical doctor and a gifted poet – he would eventually become England’s poet laureate – Robert Bridges had given his college friend Gerard Manley Hopkins the impression that he […]

No, the Resurrection is Not a Wonderful Symbol of Hope Default Thumbnail

No, the Resurrection is Not a Wonderful Symbol of Hope

Last Epiphany, my wife and I had our annual debate about whether to take down the Christmas tree. She has a weird dislike of finding pine needles on the floor. […]

Cleaning Up for a Special Guest Default Thumbnail

Cleaning Up for a Special Guest

Kids’ toys were scattered around on the floor. Dog hair had blown into corners (we had shedders). Books were stacked in almost every room in the house, and baskets of […]

How Boredom Helps Us to Know God (and Ourselves) Default Thumbnail

How Boredom Helps Us to Know God (and Ourselves)

St. Augustine famously said, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee,” but what exactly is the “restlessness” from which we’re being rescued? I think Augustine was […]

You Don’t Really Know Who You Are Default Thumbnail

You Don’t Really Know Who You Are

One of the most important rules for living in the world is: You are probably not who you think you are, and many others know you better than you know […]

If You’re Bored, It’s Really Your Own Fault Default Thumbnail

If You’re Bored, It’s Really Your Own Fault

Chesterton would have agreed with me. If you’re bored, it’s your own fault. “There is no such thing on earth as an uninteresting subject,” he wrote in his early book, […]

So Much of Evangelization Depends on How We Sow Default Thumbnail

So Much of Evangelization Depends on How We Sow

A writer and I were going back and forth about how the best devotional article won’t get as many readers as a political article by the same writer. Publish a […]

The Sinful Energy of Envy – How You Incite It Default Thumbnail

The Sinful Energy of Envy – How You Incite It

A friend of Dorothy Day’s told her that her children had called Peter Maurin “ragged and unkempt.” They were sure “that he never bathed, and he seemed to sleep in […]