September 26, 2020 // Diocese

Around the diocese: September 27, 2020

Sisters of Providence to host first virtual Come and See retreat

SAINT MARY-OF-THE-WOODS — Join the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, by Zoom for their first-ever virtual Come and See weekend retreat. 

The event will begin at 7 p.m. on Oct. 23 and conclude at 2 p.m. on Oct. 24. It will be facilitated by Sisters of Providence Vocations Director Sister Joni Luna.

Those who attend the weekend retreat will learn more about the Sisters of Providence, and foundress St. Mother Theodore Guerin. They will meet sisters and hear how the Congregation lives out love, mercy and justice.

“Our aim and purpose remains the same as with other Come and See retreats, but the process we’ll use to deliver the message has changed,” Sister Joni said. “We are inviting women discerning religious life to join us. We will provide a space for women to slow down from their busy fast-paced lives and listen to what their call might be.

“Attendees will become acquainted with the Sisters of Providence and our mission and interact with our women in initial formation. We will also provide a time and space for questions and wonderings about religious life in the 21st century.”

Sister Joni said this will be the congregation’s first time to conduct a Come and See Weekend retreat via Zoom.

“However, the advantages just might outweigh that loss. The way I see it, more women will be able to attend. It will be more cost-effective, and more importantly, women will be in the comfort of their own space which might just give them the confidence to log on with us.”

The retreat is open to single, Catholic women, ages 18-42. 

For more information or to sign up, visit or call Sister Joni at 361-500-9505 or email [email protected].

Tools and Toys sale benefits St. Charles

Provided by Justin Purdy
Knight Pat Morello, left, and a St. Charles Borromeo parishioner try out a donation of tools to the St. Charles Knights of Columbus Council 451 first-ever Tools and Toys Garage Sale in August. The Knights hosted the sale to help generate funds for the Fort Wayne parish during the costly pandemic. Proceeds totaled more than $3,600, far exceeding expectations, and all proceeds went directly to the parish.

Ave Maria Press honors retired publisher

Provided by Stephanie Sibal
Father Kevin J. Sandberg, CSC, left, presents former Ave Maria Press publisher and CEO Tom Grady with a bronze plaque of St. Joseph, a replica of one in the new Corby Hall. Father Sandberg is a member of the Ave Maria Press board of directors and honored Grady Sept. 11 for his 15 years of service to the Catholic publishing house. Grady has been in book publishing for 40 years, was named a 2020 Spirit of Holy Cross Award recipient earlier this year and received the Association of Catholic Publishers 2020 Hall of Fame Award in September.

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