October 18, 2023 // Bishop
Around the Diocese: October 22, 2023
A Celebration of Hispanic Peoples
Father Sam Anderson, left, Cardinal Juan Jose Omella, the Cardinal Archbishop of Barcelona, Spain, Bishop Rhoades, and Father Zane Langenbrunner pose for a picture at the Church of Our Lady of Montserrat (the national church of Spain in Rome), where they celebrated a Mass on the feast of Our Lady of the Pillar, the patroness of Spain and all Hispanic peoples, on Thursday, October 12. After being ordained to the priesthood in June, Father Anderson and Father Langenbrunner are currently continuing their studies at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. – Provided by Bishop Rhoades
Respect Life Rally

Provided by Phil Niswonger
Pro-life supporters, including students from Marian High School, hold up signs during the Life Chain event along Grape Road in front of Planned Parenthood in Mishawaka on Sunday, October 1. An estimated 130 people attended the event, which, according to Right to Life Michiana, has been held in the area for more than 20 years. The event marked the beginning of Respect Life Month, which the Church celebrates every October to provide a witness to the dignity of human life from conception to natural death.
CYO Represented by Area Schools at Cheer Competition

Provided by Jeremy Elder
On Wednesday, October 11, three CYO Cheer teams competed at the Charger Cheer Competition hosted at Carroll Middle School. Congratulations to St. Charles, St. Vincent, and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton grade schools for representing area Catholic Schools at the event.
Saint Anne Communities Celebrates Longtime Employee

Provided by Saint Anne Communities
On Friday, September 29, Saint Anne Communities celebrated the retirement of Mike Saylor Sr., second from left, who worked at Saint Anne’s for 32 years. A post on the Saint Anne Communities – Randallia Place Facebook page stated: “Mike has been a dedicated staff member in the Admissions Department as our Transportation Coordinator for most of his time with us. Mike always took the time to talk to the residents and get to know them. His genuine care and kindness for our residents and team will truly be missed! Good luck on your retirement Mike. Saint Anne’s thanks you for so many years of your hard work and dedication. God Bless you!”
Supporting the Knights

Provided by Patrick Burkhart
Alumni, supporters, and friends of Bishops Luers gathered at Brookwood Golf Club on Saturday, October 7, for the Luers Men’s Smoker – an event that included food, drinks, games, cigars, a silent auction, and special prizes. Organizers told Today’s Catholic that the event raised nearly $3,500 for the Bishop Luers athletic program.
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