November 16, 2017 // Uncategorized
Around the Diocese: November 19, 2017
New Education for Ministry program cycle to begin
FORT WAYNE — The Education for Ministry Program gives Catholic schoolteachers in kindergarten through grade eight the doctrinal background to prepare students for living a life in Christ as they grow and mature. Parish directors of religious education, catechists, those involved in parish ministry, parents and the laity are also highly encouraged to complete basic certification in the Education for Ministry program.
The first unit of the Education for Ministry Certification Program will provide an overview of the important themes and story lines of both the Old Testament and the New Testament. A special focus will be on the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament and how to interpret Scripture according to Catholic principles. Classes will take place on Thursday evenings, Jan. 11, 18, and 25, and Feb. 1, in both the South Bend and Fort Wayne areas. To register, visit Registration closes on Wednesday, Jan. 3, or when 40 participants are registered at a location.
For more information, contact Janice Martin at [email protected] or call 260-399-1411.

St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School’s STARBASE 2.0 team launched a high-altitude balloon Nov. 3. The launch was the last step in a 10-week STEM project for 20 seventh- and eighth-grade students. Team members were asked to create testable experiments that were sent into the upper stratosphere via a high-altitude balloon, and the balloon’s entire journey was able to be tracked. Above, science teacher Jodi Jump stands in middle of her team right after the launch. Team members tracked the path of the balloon via mobile devices. — Provided by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton School
Incarnation, beauty subjects of USF lectures
FORT WAYNE — The faculty of the Department of Philosophy and Theology at the University of Saint Francis invite the public to the upcoming lecture in the 2017-18 fall lecture series.
Sister Felicity Dorsett, OSF, assistant professor of theology, will speak on the topic of, “Incarnate Wisdom Scripture,” on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 3 p.m. on the campus of the University of Saint Francis, Brookside Ballroom, 2701 Spring St., Fort Wayne.
Christmas focuses on Christ becoming incarnate; that is, a human being. Sister Dorsett will explore the theme of incarnation in the prologue to John’s Gospel, set in the overall context of wisdom in the Bible.
The public is also invited to join guest speaker Sister Jeana Visel, OSB, of Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, when she gives a free public lecture, “Recovering Beauty and Iconography in Catholic Churches Today,” on Monday, Dec. 4, at 7:30 p.m. at the downtown campus of the University of Saint Francis, Fort Wayne Historic Woman’s Club, 826 Ewing St., Fort Wayne. Use the Wayne Street entrance to the Woman’s Club for easier access to the third floor.
Icons are not just decorations limited to Eastern Orthodox Churches. They should play a central role in the Western Church that goes beyond mere decoration. Sister Visel, a theologian and iconographer, will speak about her recent book “Icons in the Western Church: Toward a More Sacramental Encounter” which argues that the post-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church needs to give greater respect to the Eastern tradition of icons.
For additional information, visit the website at
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