December 2, 2015 // Local

Year of Mercy resources

The Official Catechesis

The following books offered by Our Sunday Visitor provide the perfect structure for a series of small group studies and reflection throughout the year. The plan recommends choosing three per quarter, or one per month for eight months, to work through these themes as a parish.

“The Saints in Mercy” includes stories of 27 saints, blesseds, venerables and other holy people who witnessed to the faith not only through works of mercy, but by living within God’s mercy. Through perseverance and humility, their ordinary lives became extraordinary portraits of holiness because they allowed God’s Mercy to penetrate and overflow. Paperback, T1739,


“The Psalms of Mercy” offers 10 Psalms of mercy to pray that will help the faithful more deeply come into God’s presence, and reveal God’s mercy and tenderness for each reader. Paperback, T1736,


“The Parables of Mercy” provides the reader with an invitation to see familiar parables in a new way, recognizing themselves in the stories and seeing that mercy is a powerful force that overcomes all, filling hearts with God’s unbridled pardon and fierce love for all. Paperback, T1737,


“The Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy” outlines the roots of mercy as presented in Scripture, and then delves deeply into each of the corporal and spiritual works, enlivening the faithfuls’ commitment to common humanity. Paperback, T1741,


“Celebrating Mercy” is the definitive guidebook for all diocesan and religious communities, parishes and shrines, filled with useful recommendations for celebrating the Jubilee, including the official Rite of the Opening of the Door of Mercy in Local Churches. Paperback, T1735,


“Mercy in the Fathers of the Church” includes an in-depth look at St. Augustine, the Preacher of Mercy, and an anthology of passages from Church Fathers including St. Maximus, St. Cyril, St. John Chrysostom, St. Ambrose, St. Basil, St. Polycarp, St. Ignatius of Antioch and many more. Paperback, T1738,


“Mercy in the Teachings of the Popes” is a collection of teachings of popes Pius XI, Pius XII, John XXIII, Paul VI, Benedict XVI, John Paul II, and Francis on subjects like the source of divine mercy; Mary, mother of mercy; mercy, the life of the Church, and much more. Paperback, T1740,


“Confession: The Sacrament of Mercy” uses four Gospel passages to bring forward the themes of mercy, forgiveness and conversion, coupled with a deeper reflection on the Catholic Tradition and pastoral ministry of the sacrament, reminding readers of the beauty, power and efficacy of Reconciliation. Paperback, T1742,


“Mercy: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics” by respected scholar and author Jesuit Father Mitch Pacwa leads his readers to a deeper understanding of mercy through the study of Israel’s long, slow struggle to experience it. Perfect for a parish small group study, or for personal reflection, each of the six sessions in “Mercy: A Bible Study Guide for Catholics” will help the faithful rediscover the incredible history of God’s mercy in their own lives. Paperback, T1597,


365 Days to Mercy App 

Our Sunday Visitor presents the “365 Days to Mercy” app for daily meditations on mercy, OSV Bookshelf excerpts, Pope Francis’ tweets, Divine Mercy Chaplet and Novena and more. The app is free on iTunes and Google Play App Stores.





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