February 2, 2025 // Bishop

Weekly Schedule of Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades

Monday, February 3: 5 p.m. – Mass for Catholic Nurses’ Association, Holy Spirit Chapel, Le Mans Hall, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame

Tuesday, February 4: 9:30 a.m. – Meeting with Diplomacy Students, Nanovic Institute for European Studies, University of Notre Dame

Tuesday, February 4: 7 p.m. – Presentation at Theology on Tap, Bar Louie, Granger

Wednesday, February 5: 7 a.m. – “Love Fort Wayne” Prayer Gathering, Parkview Mirro Center for Research and Innovation, Fort Wayne

Wednesday, February 5: Noon – Talk with Catholic Students at Purdue University Fort Wayne, Fort Wayne

Friday, February 7: Noon – Mass for Diocesan Employees, Good Shepherd Chapel, Archbishop Noll Center, Fort Wayne

Sunday, February 9: 11 a.m. – Mass, St. Mary of the Lake Church, Culver

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