January 24, 2017 // Local

Theology on Tap winter series begins

By Emily Schmid

The Theology on Tap Winter Series begins on Jan. 31 in the South Bend area. Theology on Tap is a Catholic speaker series for young adults in their 20s and 30s, single and married, and is an opportunity to share in food, fellowship and faith.

The theme for this series is Catholic Adulting: The Struggle Is Real. The talks will cover common challenges that are unique to Catholic young adults and offer support for overcoming them. Everyone is welcome.

This winter the series has a new location: the Columbus Club, located at 114 W. 1st St. in Mishawaka. The evening will include an optional dinner buffet: dinner begins at 6:30 p.m. and the talk usually starts at 7 p.m.

The schedule of topics and speakers is as follows:

Tuesday, Jan. 31: God, Church and You: Defining the Relationship — Fr. Jacob Meyer. Father Jacob, pastor of St. Monica Church, will discuss the crisis of young adults leaving the church, how to bring our young adult friends back and the challenges that come with growing in faith.

Tuesday, Feb. 7: Dreams and Expectations: Are We There Yet? – Carolyn Woo. Dr. Woo, former CEO of Catholic Relief Services, will discuss resolving the tension between the expectations of society vs. the expectations of Christ, how to manage young adult goals for the future and how prayer works in all of this.

Tuesday, Feb.14: Community: You Can’t Do It Alone – Raquel Falk. Falk will discuss friendship and loneliness that one may encounter as a Catholic young adult, how to discover one’s gifts and talents as a member of the body of Christ and finding support in the young adult community.

Tuesday, Feb. 21: Things I Wish I Had Known as a Young Adult – Paolo and Susan Carozza. The Carozzas, as Catholics beyond the young adult stage, will discuss lessons they learned as young adults that current young adults can relate to and learn from, as well as encouraging words for Catholic young adults.

Tuesday, Feb. 28: Mardi Gras: Mass and party at St. Monica Church, Mishawaka. The series conclusion will include Lenten games and a raffle.

Visit http://www.diocesefwsb.org/tot-sb for more information, or find the event page on Facebook: #TOTSouthBend.

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