December 19, 2020 // The Sunday Gospel
The kingship of David is fulfilled in the Son of Mary
Fourth Sunday Of Advent
Luke 1:26-38
The first reading for this weekend is from the Second Book of Samuel. Once, the two Books of Samuel were a single volume. Translations and editions over the centuries divided this one volume into two.
David is the principal figure in these books. The ancient Hebrews looked upon David as much more than a king. Beyond all else, he was God’s chosen representative, given the kingship so that laws and circumstances would provide an atmosphere in which the people more fervently would follow God and be loyal to the Covenant.
For this weekend’s second reading, the Church offers us a reading from St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans.
Scholars unanimously say that Paul of Tarsus indeed authored this letter, and that this epistle was his theological masterpiece. For this reason, it appears first in sequence among the 14 letters attributed to Paul, placed in Bibles immediately following the Acts of the Apostles.
As indicated by its title, Paul sent this letter to the Christian population of Rome. In the first century A.D., Rome was the center of the Mediterranean world in every respect: political, economic and cultural. Also, it was the largest city in the Roman Empire. Not surprisingly, Rome, the great imperial capital, had within its borders a great array of ideas and religions, Christianity among them.
In this weekend’s reading, and often elsewhere, Paul asserts his own vocation as an apostle. His vocation from God came so that “all the Gentiles” might believe in, and obey, God, “who alone is wise.”
For the final reading this weekend, the Church proclaims a beautiful part of St. Luke’s Gospel, Luke’s infancy narrative. It is the story of the Annunciation, the event when Gabriel, the angel, came into the presence of Mary, a young Jewish woman, in Nazareth in Galilee, to inform her that she would be the mother of the long-awaited Redeemer.
The reading abounds with meaning. Luke makes clear that Mary was a virgin, and that the conception of the Redeemer would not be the result of any human relationship. Behind this fact is the reality that God, as Creator and the provider of order to the universe, can do anything. He is almighty. The Redeemer will be the Son of God. He will be David’s successor.
The Redeemer’s coming will fulfill God’s promises, spoken by the prophets all through the ages, to bring life and salvation to the people. The birth of this Redeemer will be the ultimate satisfaction of the ancient Covenant.
Vital to the message of the story is Mary’s response. “I am the maidservant of the Lord. Let it be done to me as you say.”
In each of these readings, drawn from the Scriptures, the Church makes a vital point. God reaches out to us. This outreach is not vague, pointed only to a few, or impossible to see. It came in the persons of individuals with whom we can relate — David, Paul and Jesus — so that we all may comprehend.
This outreach has critical implications for us in our own inadequacy and limitations. God is almighty, but God’s supreme power over all creation is not the most consoling point here. Rather, the most reassuring factor is that God loves us. He continually dispatched messengers such as David, Paul and Jesus, to rescue us from ourselves and to guide to peace in our hearts and life in eternity. He sent us Mary in her faithfulness.
The Church approaches Christmas in its solid conviction of God’s love. We are not helpless and doomed. God reaches out to us.
Now, each of us must respond. Do we accept God? Do we love God? Or do we reject God? It is that simple.
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