Joshua Schipper
Video/Digital Content/Graphic Design Producer
December 10, 2019 // Diocese

St. Nicholas, bishop of Myra

Joshua Schipper
Video/Digital Content/Graphic Design Producer

St. Nicholas, a fourth-century bishop of the Turkish town named Myra, was famously dedicated to works of generosity and charity. He is the patron saint of children and sailors, among others: His feast day is Dec. 6. At the end of the first week of Advent, Dec. 7, Good Shepherd Books and Gifts in Fort Wayne offered the opportunity to meet “St. Nick.”

Knights host St. Nicholas

Knights of Columbus Council 16065 at St. Jude Parish, Fort Wayne, had a special guest at its monthly breakfast Dec. 7. More than 300 parishioners had breakfast with St. Nicholas, visited with him and had their picture taken. — Provided by Steve Ludwiski



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