August 20, 2024 // Diocese
St. John the Evangelist Parish Opens New Office Space
A project nearly two years in the making came to fruition with the official ribbon cutting on the new parish offices for St. John the Evangelist in Goshen, which are located at 422 S. Main St. across the street from the church building. The offices were previously inside the parish school building.
Father Royce Gregerson, the previous pastor at St. John, acquired the building in October of 2022, and it needed extensive renovations. Deacon Christian Nieves, along with 12-15 volunteers, did the majority of the demolition and reconstruction work. Some of the volunteers were parishioners, but others were required to do community service through the court system, and Deacon Nieves said this project gave him the chance to evangelize as they worked.

Photos by Denise Fedorow
Father Brian Florin, Pastor of St. John the Evangelist in Goshen, prepares to cut the ribbon on the parish’s new office building during a ceremony on Wednesday, August 7. Joining him, from left, are Deacon Christian Nieves, Sister Colleen Bauer, Steve McNamara, Erin Taylor, Father Oscar Duarte, Alison Hartzler, Robin McNamara, Cindy Wiederman, Amanda Woodiel, Johnny Evangelista, Lucia Ordonez, Nick Kieffer, Cecelia Evangelista, Christian Cortes, and Angie Daly.
At the ribbon cutting, which took place on Wednesday, August 7, Father Brian Florin, Pastor of St. John the Evangelist, thanked his predecessor, Father Gregerson, as well as Deacon Nieves and all the volunteers, Business Manager Cindy Wiederman, parishioner Alison Hartzler, who did the interior decorating, and parishioner Mark Podgorski, who was unable to attend but acted as construction manager throughout the project.
“It was time to move in,” Father Florin said. “As the new pastor, it’s nice to have this fresh start in a new place. As parish staff, we ultimately exist for the salvation of souls, to help facilitate that process here at the parish. We pray and hope our new space will help facilitate that.”

Father Brian Florin visits with a young family exploring the new parish office building at 422 S. Main St. in Goshen. Tours were given after the ribbon cutting on Wednesday, August 7.
Father Florin continued: “I thank everyone for their prayers and support and pray that we will be good stewards of what’s been entrusted to us – for the sake of all who come here from St. John’s, but also for the whole Goshen community. What a great opportunity to showcase this place. Thanks to the Goshen Chamber of Commerce for all your support.”
Goshen Chamber President and CEO Nick Kieffer, who is also a parishioner, asked about the extra space at the school building now that the parish offices are moved out. Father Florin said Principal Virginia Munoz is excited to have the extra space and said it would possibly be used as teacher conference space and spaces for counselors to meet with students.
An open house and tours of the new offices were given after Masses the weekend of August 10-11.
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