April 17, 2019 // Diocese
Seminarians installed as acolytes, lectors at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary
Six seminarians of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend were installed in the ministry of acolyte at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary, Emmitsburg, Md., at a Mass celebrated by Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades and concelebrated by Msgr. Andrew Baker, rector of the seminary, April 6. From left are Benjamin Landrigan, Logan Parrish, Michael Ammer, Bishop Rhoades, Msgr. Baker, Augustine Onuoha, Keeton Lockwood and Jonathan Evangelista.
Diocesan seminarians, Brian Isenbarger, left, and Joseph Knepper, right, were installed in the ministry of lector April 5 by Bishop Rhoades and Msgr. Baker. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary is a school of faith, discipleship and learning that prepares men for the Catholic ministerial priesthood. The annual Pentecost Collection, which supports the education of diocesan seminarians, will be taken on June 9.
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