February 16, 2016 // Uncategorized
Sacred Heart girls win city elementary basketball tournament

Provided by Sacred Heart School, Warsaw
The Sacred Heart fourth- through sixth-grade girls won the Warsaw City Schools Elementary Girls’ Basketball Championship finishing their season with a perfect 12 wins and no losses. Pictured are the following: front row, from left, Hannah Burkholder, Maddy McSherry, Dalaney Vilamaa, Leah Henderson and Sophia Johnston; middle row, Joey Rastrelli, Maia Young, Jasmine Ochoa, Isabella VantWoud, Bonnie Hampton, Marie Frazzetta and Elena Sullivan; back row, Kris Rastrelli (coach), James Faroh (principal), Sarah Ropp, Bailie Stephens, Mackenzie Sokol, Erin Dawson, Shane Henderson (coach) and Melanie Stephens (coach). Sacred Heart School participates with the 10 schools in the Warsaw City area.
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