October 11, 2020 // Obituaries

Rest in Peace: October 11, 2020

Fort Wayne

Mark Piekarski, 58, St. Vincent de Paul

Conda Schenkel, 80, St. Vincent de Paul 


Sister M. Margarita Moreno-Patino, OLVM, 85, Archbishop Noll Memorial Chapel

New Haven

Margaret E. Aubrey, 66, St. John the Baptist

Jane L. Ternet, 96, St. John the Baptist

Nancy I. Winters, 80, St. John the Baptist

South Bend

Dianne Campiti, 75, St. Matthew Cathedral

Robert Foster, 80, St. Matthew Cathedral

Kerry Koller, 79, Christ the King

Theresa A. Matthys, 65, Holy Family

Marcella Pynaert, 88, Holy Cross


Dr. Robert Rauh, 93, St. Bernard


Suzanne M. Chase, 73, St. Patrick


Bonnie Jagodzinski, 93, Sacred Heart

Father Vincent Coppola, CSC, St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church, Toms River, New Jersey. Father served at Holy Cross Parish, South Bend.

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