December 3, 2024 // Diocese

Remembering the Beauty of Advents Past

As the Church continues to prepare us for the coming of Christ on Christmas throughout the Advent season, three members of the clergy of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend share the special memories they hold of this sacred liturgical season.

Musical Memories

Deacon Rob Slocum

I have many fond memories of Christmas as a child. They always seem to revolve around the time and love we shared together as a family. However, another reoccurring theme was listening to Christmas music. As soon as the Thanksgiving family celebration was over, the Christmas music came out. We would listen to Burl Ives albums again and again on the stereo. My father also had a collection of old 78 speed records, which all five of us kids knew all the words to Spike Jones and the City Slickers song, “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.” We would laugh and play these records again and again leading up to Christmas. I am sure we drove my mom and dad crazy. Although my dad was a good Christian man, I think the strongest witness he ever gave me regarding his Christian faith was his love for another song in those stacks of 78s. It was “O Holy Night” by Bing Crosby. He told me when I was very young that it was his favorite Christmas song because of the message. So, it became my favorite. In fact, any time this song came on the radio, or we played it on the stereo, my dad could not help but join in with his excellent baritone voice. I still think of Dad and my faith in the Baby Jesus any time I hear that song.

“Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices / O night divine, O night when Christ was born ….”

– Deacon Rob Slocum, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church, Fort Wayne

Lighting the Advent Wreath

Father Glenn Kohrman

Advent was something we celebrated when I was young. I remember having the Advent wreath on our dinner table and lighting the candles each week. To be honest, I am not sure if we lit the rose candle (not to be confused with pink) during the third week. It seems like we lit it in the fourth week of Advent. Nonetheless, it was our family’s way of being mindful of the season before the great celebration of Christmas. Hopefully many can take up the practice if they do not do it already! Happy Advent (AKA New Year!)

– Father Glenn Kohrman, pastor of St. Therese Catholic Church, Fort Wayne

Honoring the Holy Season

Msgr. MIchael Heintz

Advent is probably my favorite liturgical season, not least because it is so brief that one cannot get tired of it. I love Lent as well, but by the fifth week, I am usually weary from it.

I remember the wreath in our family home, the freshness and scent of the needles and deep purple of three of the four candles, and the singing of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”

I came to love the daily Mass (both the Lectionary and proper prayers) during Advent wherever I have been: at St. Thomas the Apostle in Elkhart when I was a child; St. John Seminary in Boston with its majestic chapel adorned with purple; St. Charles Borromeo in Fort Wayne; and St. Matthew Cathedral in South Bend, where Anna Stein always had the church looking so beautiful; at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland, where solemn vespers each Sunday were replete with magnificent chant and music of the season (my favorite Advent hymn is “O Come, Divine Messiah”).

Now at St. Pius X, I look forward to celebrating here as pastor and leading people in prayer this holy season.

I have always found the Divine Office for Advent to be magnificent in its readings and antiphons, and it is also my favorite volume of the breviary.

– Monsignor Michael Heintz, pastor of St. Pius X Catholic Church, Granger

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