Meet & Greet

Meet & Greets are popular networking events where Catholic business professionals can meet, exchange business cards and talk business and faith in a relaxed and informal setting. Meet & Greet events take place all over the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend and are hosted by a myriad of Catholic business owners.

And, for now, these events are on a pause. We firmly believe that the Holy Spirit calls each of us to uniquely allow our faith to imbue every area of our lives. That’s what the Catholic Business Network is all about. And, in an effort to further allow our network to be an occasion of grace, we are starting 2019 by stepping back for a period of discernment to allow the Holy Spirit to dictate the direction of the Catholic Business Network.

These events are on hold for the time being. But, don’t worry! They’ll be back, ushering in with them a brand new Holy-Spirit driven chapter in the life of the Catholic Business Network! And, in the meantime, you can still continue to foster the First Friday devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by attending Mass on our own time at one of the many parishes in our diocese.

GROW your business by inviting people in!

If you have the space to host the event at your business, that’s great! However, many businesses find that hosting the event at a separate facility, or partnering with another business, provides them just as much exposure. Meet & Greet events are more than networking for one night. By marketing and advertising, hosting/sponsoring a Meet & Greet gives your business the opportunity to have exposure to the Today’s Catholic newspaper audience—That’s 45,000+ households! Hosts of Meet & Greet don’t have to limit their guest list to just Catholic business professionals. We encourage you to invite clients, customers, vendors and personal contacts.

Want to be added to the Meet & Greet email alert list? Interested in hosting a Meet & Greet event?

5 Reasons to Host a Meet & Greet

You’ve moved into a new or remodeled facility and you want everyone to know where you are, what you do and to show off your new facility.
You want to invite other businesses to help celebrate an important anniversary of your business.
You think it’s exciting to have numerous new potential customers at your business at one time!
You want to promote your products, services and staff.
You want the opportunity to meet other business professionals who are excited about their Catholic faith!