July 24, 2021 // Diocese
Jubilees of consecrated life celebrated at Sisters of the Holy Cross order
NOTRE DAME — Ten Sisters of the Holy Cross were honored for anniversaries of 50 and 25 years of consecrated life July 17 during a virtual jubilee celebration. Two of the jubilarians, Sister Sharon Ann Mihm, CSC, and Sister Linda Kors, CSC, served in the Diocese of Fort Wayne — South Bend.
Sister Sharon Ann Mihm, CSC, currently in the Spiritual Care Department with Holy Cross Health, Silver Spring, Maryland, is celebrating more than 50 years of consecrated life as a Sister of the Holy Cross.
Sister Sharon Ann has served nearly 50 years in education. She started teaching in South Bend as a postulant and as a novice at Saint Mary’s Campus School. Her teaching ministry took her on to North Carolina, where she taught for three years at Our Lady of Lourdes School, Raleigh, and served as principal of Immaculata School, Durham, from 1983 to 1992. She also taught for nine years at Holy Trinity School, Norfolk, Virginia, and for 16 years she served as principal for several schools in the Archdiocese of Washington, including Holy Cross School, Garrett Park, Maryland, and St. Martin of Tours, Gaithersburg, Maryland, where she served from 2005 to 2013. Since 2014, she has provided pastoral care and served as a eucharistic minister at Holy Cross Health, Silver Spring.
Sister Sharon Ann was born in Washington, D.C. She came to the congregation shortly after earning her Bachelor of Arts degree from Dunbarton College of Holy Cross, Washington, D.C. She also earned a master’s degree in education and pastoral studies from Emmanuel College, Boston, Massachusetts, and studied at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland. Sister Sharon Ann made her initial profession of vows with the Sisters of the Holy Cross on Aug. 15, 1970, and her perpetual profession on Aug. 6, 1975.
Sister Linda Kors, CSC, who currently serves as a long-term care ombudsman for Real Services, South Bend, will also be honored for more than 50 years of consecrated life as a Sister of the Holy Cross.
Sister Linda has ministered as an occupational therapist for 10 years, serving in Ohio, Idaho, California and at Saint Joseph Regional Medical Center, South Bend. She also served as director of Campus Ministry for Mundelein College, Chicago, Illinois, for six years, and in a similar ministry for five years with Saint Joseph’s College, Rensselaer. From 1997 to 2007, she coordinated and directed volunteer service programs for Saint Mary’s College, South Bend, and the volunteer center of St. Joseph County. Beginning in 2012, she shared her gifts as interim and then executive director of Forever Learning Institute. She has been in her current ministry since 2018.
Sister Linda was born in Hammond. Before entering the congregation, she was a student. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree in occupational therapy from Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana, and a Master of Arts from Mundelein College, Chicago. Sister Linda made her initial profession of vows with the Sisters of the Holy Cross on Aug. 15, 1970, and her perpetual profession on Aug. 3, 1975.
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