September 21, 2011 // Local
Influence of St. Francis abounds in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend
The influence of St. Francis of Assisi, whose feast day is Oct. 4, prevails throughout the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend. The following list reveals the impact of the Franciscan spirit of loving service:
Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration
The provincialate of the Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual Adoration is located in Mishawaka.
• The University of Saint Francis is located in Fort Wayne and conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. Visit for more information.
Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart
The Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart, from Frankfort, Ill., have convents at St. Charles Borromeo in Fort Wayne and Provena Sacred Heart Home in Avilla.
Sister Genevieve Raupp, assistant principal at St. Charles Borromeo School, Fort Wayne, recently celebrated her 40th jubilee as a Franciscan Sister of the Sacred Heart. At a parish reception on Sept. 11, Sister Genevieve was presented with a banner of St. Francis that had been signed by the 729 students and dozens of staff members. Sister Genevieve has been at St. Charles Borromeo for 29 years.
Franciscan Sisters Minor
The Franciscan Sisters Minor, with their convent at Providence House at St. John the Baptist Parish, Fort Wayne, serve the Fort Wayne area.
Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
The Sisters of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate serve at the University of Notre Dame.
Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis
The Sisters of St. Joseph of the Third Order of St. Francis, based at Steven’s Point, Wis., serve in South Bend and Fort Wayne.
Order of Franciscan Brothers Minor
The Order of Franciscan Brothers Minor is located at Our Lady of the Angels friary on the former St. Andrew Church grounds in Fort Wayne.
Order of Friars Minor
The Order of Friars Minor have a friary and convent in Mishawaka.
• Conventual Franciscan Friars have their novitiate in Mishawaka.
Order of Friars Minor Capuchin
Father Ron Rieder, of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, is pastor of Ss. Peter and Paul Parish in Huntington. Capuchin Father Augustine
Kochuparathanathu assists. The order once operated the St. Felix Seminary in Huntington, which is now being renovated and was the home of Venerable Father Solanus Casey.
Order of Friars Minor Conventual
Priests of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual who serve at parishes in the diocese include the following: Father Andrew Martinez serves at St. Joseph, LaGrange, and St. Anthony of Padua in Angola; Fathers Frederick Pasche and Bernie Zajdel serve at St. Anthony in Angola, and Father Philip Schneider serves at St. Paul Chapel at Clear Lake. These friars reside in the St. Anthony Friary in Angola.
Secular Franciscan Order (Third Order of St. Francis)
The Secular Franciscan Order (Third Order of St. Francis) is a community of men and women who seek to pattern their lives after St. Francis of Assisi and, through him, Jesus Christ. The order has the following fraternities:
• Holy Family Fraternity, which meets at the University of Saint Francis. Contact is Bill Duffy at (260) 503-9308.
• St. Charles Fraternity, which meets at the University of Saint Francis. Contact is Barbera Braley at (260) 897-9334.
• Immaculate Conception Fraternity meets at St. Francis Convent in Mishawaka. Contact is Cyndi Pilot at (574) 210-1224.
The Franciscan Center
The Franciscan Center, located at 4643 Gaywood Dr., Fort Wayne, operates the Sack Lunch Ministry, food pantry and Medicine Cabinet. Contact the center at (260) 744-3977 or visit
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