April 14, 2010 // Uncategorized
Holy Cross celebrates springtime ordinations to the priesthood
By Sister Margie Lavonis, CSC
NOTRE DAME — April 10 was a joyful day at Notre Dame. The Congregation of Holy Cross, friends, students and family members gathered at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart for the ordination to the priesthood of Kevin G. Grove and Gerard J. Olinger, Jr. Bishop Daniel R. Jenky, CSC, bishop of Peoria, Ill., and a former auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders.
“The international community is blessed to welcome these men who will bring hope and joy to many people through our ministries,” said Holy Cross Father David T. Tyson, provincial of the Indiana Province.
The liturgy began with a resounding hymn sung by an exuberant assembly led by the Notre Dame Folk Choir, followed by the Liturgy of the Word. After the Gospel, Father Tyson officially presented the candidates to the bishop. Next, some recipients of their ministry gave consent to the ordination as representatives of the people of God.
Robert and Tammye Raster and their seven children testified to the devoted ministry of Kevin Grove, who served as deacon at St. Joseph Parish in South Bend. Each member of the Raster family extolled Deacon Kevin’s service and expressed how he had touched their lives and the lives of many other parishioners. “Deacon Kevin exemplifies a priest of Holy Cross,” said Tammye Raster.
The appreciation and love of the community of the University of Portland was very evident as students, Chris Vennes and Zack Imfeld, presented Gerry Olinger who worked in campus ministry during his diaconate. Among other expressions of gratitude, they said, “Deacon Gerry has taken a special place in the spiritual lives of the students.”
In his instruction of those to be ordained, Bishop Jenky exhorted them to emulate the great virtues of Blessed Basil Moreau, founder of Holy Cross, who as a child said that when he grew up he wanted to say Mass, teach classes and preach.
He told them to “be faithful to their Holy Cross vocation to be educators in the faith and impart to everyone the Word of God that they have received with much joy.” He concluded his instruction by telling them to always live their lives in the tradition of Holy Cross whose motto is “Ave Crux Spes Unica,” which means “the cross, our one hope.”
The deep spirit of community was evident when over 125 priests, mostly members of Holy Cross, laid hands on each candidate, asking the Holy Spirit to come down upon them.
Another touching moment was when each set of parents brought up the gifts to their sons who would consecrate them for the very first time.
At the conclusion of the Rite of Ordination, a thunderous applause of affirmation emanated from those present. The overflowing church gave witness to the many lives they have already touched.
Father Kevin celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, April 11, at St. Joseph Parish. On July 4 he will do so at Sacred Heart Church, his home parish in Hobson, Mont.
Father Gerry celebrated Masses of Thanksgiving the next day at the basilica and at Siegfried Hall, a residence hall at Notre Dame. He will also celebrate Masses of Thanksgiving at the University of Portland in Oregon on April 18 and at St. Kevin Church in Springfield, Pa., on May 23.
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