Thursday Nov 19
Formation / Training
The Marriage Course Online
Cost: free of charge, but each couple purchases two course journals on their own
The Marriage Course is coming! Based on a beautiful, brand-new film series featuring “regular” couples and relationship experts from around the world, this free 7-week program will take place online over Zoom on Thursday evenings from 8:00 to 10:00 PM from October 8 through Nov. 19. Here are the topics covered: Strengthening Connection, The Art of Communication, Resolving Conflict, The Power of Forgiveness, The Impact of Family, Good Sex, and Love in Action. There is no group discussion, but rather, time built right into each session for you and your spouse to discuss the topic in the comfort and privacy of your own home using prompts from The Marriage Course journal. The program is hosted by Deacon Fred and Lisa Everett, and registration opens on September 1st.
For more information or to register, please go to