Friday Apr 15
Mass / Liturgy
Tenebrae service
Fort Wayne
Tenebrae, or Service of Shadows, was once part of the Church’s Divine Office during Holy Week. It was a service of psalms and readings. As the service progressed, the 15 candles on a special candelabrum (a “hearse”) would be progressively extinguished, until the last candle was removed from the sanctuary, leaving the church in darkness. The departure of the last candle was accompanied by a strepitus, a “great noise” that alluded to the earthquake when Jesus died, accomplished by the pounding of breviaries, hymnals, or stamping of feet.
We will do a modified version of the Tenebrae Service at Our Lady on Good Hope beginning at 8 p.m. on Good Friday. This is a beautiful opportunity to meditate upon the Word of God and to listen to sacred music as we commemorate the Passion of our Lord.