Saturday Oct 28
Rome City
St. Gaspar Parish, 10871 N. St. Rd. 9, will host the 39th annual Fancy Fair Craft Bazaar and Famous Cookie Bar on Saturday, October 28, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. This event is a major annual fund raiser for the Altar & Rosary Sodality to support charities. Crafters in the church hall & classrooms sell quality homemade fare such as jewelry, fall and Christmas decorations, clothing, religious items etc. St. Gaspar’s is famous for their homemade cookies donated by parishioners (12 doz. each). Patrons pay for either a large box $10 or small box $8 and are given food service gloves to pick and choose the kinds of cookies to fill up their box. Lunch is also available offering homemade soups and sandwiches and a variety of pies.