Thursday Jun 30
Formation / Training
Icons in the Western Church
Fort Wayne
Cost: Free
The University of Saint Francis welcomes Sister Jeana Visel, OSB, as a special guest for lecture open to the public series on Thursday, June 30. Sister Jeana, from the Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology in southern Indiana, will present “Recovering Beauty and Iconography in Catholic Churches Today.” She will discuss how icons are not just decorations limited to Eastern Orthodox Churches and how they could play a central role in the Western Church that goes beyond mere decoration. A theologian and iconographer, she will speak about her recent book “Icons in the Western Church: Toward a More Sacramental Encounter,” which argues that the post–Vatican II Roman Catholic Church needs to give greater respect to the Eastern tradition of icons.
This lecture is a part of the University of Saint Francis Summer Theology Institute – Beauty Will Save the World and is free and open to the public.