Wednesday Feb 19
No events today.
Tuesday Mar 18
Fort Wayne
Cost: free
Please join us for the monthly diocesan Ministry with Persons with Disabilities meeting held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Archbishop Noll Catholic Center located at 915 S. Clinton Street in downtown Fort Wayne.
Since the formation of this “grassroots ministry” in 2014, parents, parishioners, priests, parish staff, and volunteers have worked towards meaningful participation for individuals with disabilities at Mass, in the preparation and celebration of sacraments, and in the life of their faith communities.
Many of the initiatives across our diocese have come from the inspiration and efforts of individuals who have been part of this ministry of response and accompaniment. Often the needs of one individual or family have led to the beginning of something larger that benefit many like the weekly Sensory-Friendly Masses at St. Vincent in Fort Wayne. These meetings help connect people and serve as a forum to work on new initiatives or expand what is already in place at a parish or on the diocesan level (some of which are highlighted on the “Belonging: Ministry with Persons with Disabilities” webpage.)
Please enter off of the Washington Street entrance, proceed up the ramp and park in any of the spaces on the second level. There is an automatic door into the area to access the elevator where you will be greeted and taken to the meeting area. Please contact Allison on her cell at 260.414.5960 if you are having any difficulty getting into the building or just have questions, anytime.