Friday Jun 01
Catholic Business Network First Friday Breakfast
Fort Wayne
Cost: FREE
Join the Catholic Business Network on Friday, June 1 for our First Friday Breakfast. We will begin with Mass in the St. Mother Theodore Guerin Chapel (by the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception) at 7 a.m.. This will be followed by networking, breakfast, and our featured speaker at 8 a.m. in the Cathedral Center. June’s featured speaker is Mike Kelly “The Accidental Leadership Theology of Mary Poppins.” His talk will begin at 8:00 a.m. Mike Kelly is the president of Calienté LLC in Fort Wayne, IN. As an entrepreneur, Mike understands the challenges or running and growing a small business modeled on servant leadership. He is a convert to the faith and is a parishioner at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Fort Wayne.