Friday Feb 07
Formation / Training
Called and Gifted Workshop
South Bend
Cost: TBD
Are you a disciple of Jesus? Do you seek to deepen your life as a disciple? Come learn about the charisms, or gifts of the Holy Spirit, given to all the baptized for the building up of the Kingdom of God in service to others. Discerning our charisms helps us to recognize how God calls and equips us for Christian mission. You will have the opportunity to take the Spiritual Gifts Inventory and to learn about 23 common charisms, and to focus on discerning your own. The workshop (Friday evening and Saturday) will utilize a series of videos, small group discussions, and follow-up with a one-on-one interview. Participants will then be given an opportunity to discern a charism more deeply with others during the weeks of Lent. Lunch will be provided on Saturday.