Tuesday Feb 23
Called and Gifted Discernment Process
Cost: $20 per person: includes a printed copy of the participant guide, the Spiritual Gifts Online Inventory, and 6 month access to the videos.
When you were baptized, you were given gifts of the Holy Spirit (charisms) that enable you to be a channel of God’s love, truth, beauty, and mercy for others. Discovering your charisms is key to living out your God-given mission and vocation. The Called & Gifted Discernment Process is designed to help you learn about charisms and lead you through the process of discovering your own. The first part of the charism discernment process is a 5-week video series with small group breakout discussions. (Additional steps are available to those who wish to continue discerning). Devote this lent to discovering how you have been personally called and gifted for mission!