Friday Jul 30
Eucharistic Revival
Blessed Father Solanus Casey feast day celebration
Cost: Goodwill Offering
The Father Solanus Guild – Huntington Extension invites you to join them on Friday, July 30, from 12:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., (EST) honoring the life of Blessed Solanus Casey, a Capuchin ‘simplex’ priest, at the St. Felix Catholic Center in Huntington. The theme this year is “Eucharistic Adoration.”
The day will begin with tours, followed by three speakers.
Special guests include: Father Dan Whelan, Father Louis Fowoyo, Father Thomas Zehr, Father Philip DeVolder and Madeline Nugent.
Eucharistic Adoration will be from 4-5 p.m. followed by Mass and a blessing with a first class relic.
At 6 p.m. a bring your own meal time will be followed by Father Solanus story sharing. Pre-order box meals by July 25.
A patriotic rosary will be at 7:30 p.m.
At 8:30 p.m. Eucharistic Adoration ‘under the stars’ (weather permitting – bring your chairs and blankets.)
Opportunities for individual prayer, walking the grounds and children’s games will be available throughout the day provided by Huntington Youth Ministry.
Father Solanus Casey was beatified by the Vatican in Nov. 2017. Solanus lived at the Capuchin Novitiate of St. Felix in Huntington from 1946 to 1956. Throughout his life of dedication to the Catholic faith he was known and sought after by thousands for the many miracles of healing and prayerful counseling. He would spend many hours in the sanctuary offering prayers of praise and thanksgiving to Jesus. Solanus was born Nov. 25, 1870 in Wisconsin and died July 31, 1957 in Detroit, MI. His body rests in Detroit at the St. Bonaventure Monastery.
For more information contact the St. Felix Catholic Center at 260-443-9700, or visit them at [email protected].